Motor Development

To this respect Mendes and N3obrega (2004) they affirm that: The human body, to the being compared with a hydraulical machine, receives an education considers that it only in its mechanical aspect, without proper will, desires and the recognition of the scienter of the human movement, which is explained through the mere reaction the external stimulatons, without any relation with the subjectivity. The thought of Discardings, established in the exercise of the control and the domain of the nature, influences the education through the rationalization of practical the corporal ones. (2004, P. 125) In century XVII AND XIX the idea of the desvinculao between body and the mind, make to thus appear a new paradigm in the education, the science of the motricidade human being, leading some thinkers to be argued importance of the motor development in the education. In this way the motricidade it human being is the quality to think and to act its desires in accordance with thus developing intelligence what it differentiates in them of the other animals. Thus the other animals have only the motricidade: Of the act to the thought and the gesture the word, the human being endowed with new psychic processes of information between the body and the brain acquired the position bpede, freed the hands to manufacture tools, emancipated the mouth and the face to finally communicate feelings and thoughts with its fellow creatures and, invented the symbol to make history, to transmit culture and to produce art and science. (FONSECA, 2010, P. 8) For Fonseca (2010), it is by means of the motricidade that we can we interact with the object and from this moment, to create tools for our use..