
No adult has such enormous energy, as the most common child from year to year and a half. All moms are looking forward to that happy moment when the baby will make his first independent step. Areva Group recognizes the significance of this. Rejoice in just one day. Marc Lasry shines more light on the discussion. The next thought: “Better you lie!” Now my mother is absolutely no free time. You should always be alert and hedging the baby. But the joy of a child has no end. He did not just learned to walk, he met with a new way to travel in space, and that he really liked it.

Now he has learned to move quickly, and the opportunity to explore the outside world has increased dramatically. Therefore, 5 words for 1 class – quite enough, although it may be necessary to reduce this number to 3, and perhaps up to 1 word. Child aged from 1,5 to 2,5 years, Rule 1. Choose to learn the words that your child is most like. The child has long formed their preferences, and breaks out his opinion. Successful classes are those on which you will show your child’s favorite words. Unloved by the words he will turn away. All little interest words, especially unloved, you need to skip 1 – 2 times, and translate them into the second and third stages: in the category of phrases and sentences. From unloved words can make a very interesting proposal. For example, if your child can not tolerate the word “barley” and is ready to it, like your porridge, you are trying to cram on the advice of doctors to better metabolism, throw down the toilet.

Why Does Baby Cry ?

All babies cry. Baby crying – not just a signal for help. At this stage of life crying – it's the only way to communicate with the world they can not say that worries them, what they lack, but only notify lament his misery or disadvantage. That is why a baby cries. Reasons may be many tears, and to understand them is not easy. However, parents should try to show a guess and wit in this case, moreover, that, depending on the causes, crying is different shades. Thus, we explain the main causes of crying. Baby cries when he is hungry most often that he is hungry, baby alerts prolonged crying, very loudly and insistently.

A hungry baby is crying, Blushing, stretches handle. What do mothers in this case? . Of course the child should be fed, even if not yet the proper time came, and the same applies to the night crying. Crying, Crying may inconvenience caused serve as a signal of discomfort of the subject child. If you are using reusable nappies, the child cries will alert parents that wet and irritate his skin. Wet diapers irritate the skin, the baby cries Crying incessantly whimpering, uninterrupted, even though it sounds stronger, weaker, may be accompanied by hiccups.

If a diaper change, and the kid warmly covered, he calms down. If you use disposable diapers, remember that they may leak or get wet inside, bring discomfort to the child. If your baby sleeps in a diaper all night, the irritant can be greatly increased volume of the diaper.

Garden Arbors Wooden Fences

It's no secret that a graceful complement to the garden area are wood products. This arbors, pergolas, florists, arches, various lattices and fences, as well as the fence and who fenced off area. Emerging the market can meet a variety of offers on price and quality. For example, gazebos can cost anywhere from 15.000 to 150.000 rubles rubles. Of course, the main role in selecting wood products for the garden is the appearance.

But not forget about the quality characteristics. First of all, we should pay attention to it, from what type and grade of wood made products. For most people in Russia in this respect the most can be considered attractive pine. But do not forget that wood is exposed to external weather conditions (spring, summer and autumn rain, winter, snow) can quickly come into disrepair, or at least lose their attractive appearance. Just a great threat to the tree represent all kinds of insects.

The most common and effective way to protect against these evils is antiseptirovanie. This process, in which either pergola or section of the fence is covered with a protective layer of a special antiseptic composition. But there is still more efficient way of protection. It is an antiseptic impregnated under pressure. Of course, use this method can only producer in the industrial environment. As a result of such processing wood impregnated with no surfactant (which may be followed by leaching antiseptic and will require additional treatment in a year – two), and to a considerable depth of 3-4 cm, if desired, and in great depth. That is, if the thickness of the bars and boards used in the manufacture of the same arbor no more than 8 cm, the treatment is obtained sequentially, that may increase the period of operation before 15ti – the 20-years.