
What to feed of French bulldog – to decide in the first place to its owners. Yet we can recommend. After all, who, if not a breeder, knows how to grow healthy, strong, beautiful dog. So, we recommend to feed a growing puppy ready to feed. After all, the fact is that for proper development of the body requires a lot of different substances, but their presence in the diet are also important in the proportions in which they are presented. And owners can not always be balanced menu of their animals, what would they have everything you need in the right amounts. But manufacturers of high-quality forage know the needs of our pets.

All food (and dry and wet) are divided into classes: economy (Economy), for continuous feeding (Regular), premium (Premium) and super premium (Super Premium). This division is based on both the raw material from which the cooked food, and on the number of major categories of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), as well as vitamins, minerals and trace elements entering into its composition. You should not feed the animals feed the first two classes, because they do not have anything useful, even tell anymore, they-are harmful. This is explained by the fact that their manufacturing only used the cheapest components and, consequently, the quality of these forages is very low. Feed a premium are more suitable for feeding adult dogs, but for a puppy-optimal variant of super-premium food. By about canned (moist) of feed necessary to say that they use a variety of flavors and fragrances, they are your dog to anything.

Thus, better opt for quality dry food, which can be given in its natural form, and soaked in the (normal boiled water). In addition, your Frenchman will receive all the material necessary for its proper development, you will not have problems with long-term travel, it’s very uncomfortable, carry a pot of porridge. And to feed the dog in the road pies-harmful and undignified. And not always we have time, that would translate to a dry pet food, but it will take about a week. After a change of diet- great stress to the body (can isporit digestion). But if all you intend to feed the bulldog frantsuskogo natural food, then you know that dog meat to 35% of the total food, cereals, 45% vegetables, 20%. Meat is better to give beef, and lean. It may be given raw, just before feeding can douse it with boiling water. 1-2 times a week can replace meat with fish (without bones), sea can be given in raw form, and the river-just boiled, and the possibility of infection helminths. Of cereals is better to choose wheat and oats (‘Hercules’) at a ratio of 3 / 1. Vegetables provide better raw, but protetymi on a fine grater. Tomatoes are useful even to those that protect teeth from the formation of tartar. In addition useful in milk products, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. And do not forget about vitamins and mineral supplements, the dosage which can be found on the packaging. ABSOLUTELY NOT: pork bones (all-meat, fish, poultry), pork fat, Confectionery, fried, smoked, salted and sugar. Click Ahmed Shary Rahman for additional related pages. Remember that the animal must have constant access to fresh drinking water!

New Jersey

At an official reception at the cottage or friends – you're bound to meet her. It can appear in front of you smart, big, small, bright-colored or elegant pure white. But even this does not confuse you, if you remember rule: linen or paper, napkin has a principal purpose of which has developed over the centuries – to protect your clothes from stains. Even if before you pulled out a box of papers, which are sent directly to the use of trash, and in this case should not be neglected socially accepted etiquette. Rule 1: If you're given a napkin, use it.

Do not leave it on the table untouched. Cloth given to her to wipe his hands and mouth, as well as clothing to protect against possible staining. The fact that people do not use it, gives out that he was a slob. Rule 2: Wait until the boss desk deploys his napkin. Only then will start for her. Rule 3: If the napkin is too large and decreases with the knees, fold it to fit your needs.

Rule 4: In a decent society, the table does not make any sudden made sweeping motions. You should not aggressively shake cloth to expand it. Do not wipe cloth, like a towel for morning exercise. Just a little dab your mouth. Rule 5: Do not rush to deploy a tissue, wait bring a dish. Rule 6: If you must leave the table, leave the napkin on chair or to the left of the plate. After the meal, place the napkin and left on the plates, but in any case not in a bowl. Rule 7: Where is the place napkins? On your lap. Not for a belt or a collar. Although, if you're in a society where such behavior is acceptable, feel free to follow him. For example, in southern Italy and in New Jersey serving spaghetti wonderful seafood sauce.


Kids' corner in your house – it's active development of the child since birth. The baby grew curious, active, purposeful and happy with it needs to be addressed. The sooner you begin to fully develop their child, the stronger will be the foundation for adult life. Along with the intellectual, creative and emotional development should be considered separately and physical development. Physically, the child can develop from the Birth – dynamic exercises, lessons on fitball, massages, but the most important tool in the physical development – a children's playground.

There is a huge selection of children's corner: P, T, T – shaped, normal Swedish ladder. But sales leader in the Ukrainian market is a children's corner early start. Children's Corner Early start is aimed for children from birth to the entire preschool period, ie at a time when your child needs active physical development. After the age of seven, children begin to attend various sports clubs, hobby groups. Yes, and physical education, active play with their peers in the schoolyard and on the playground all contributes to the harmonious development of the child. So, after your kid goes to school, children's corner is almost never used. Check with Hikmet Ersek to learn more. I think we were able to convince you that the best available children's play area in pre-school period. Early start is a huge advantage over other sports and gaming corners: It is not much space – 1.5 sq.m.

Does not require drilling of the walls and ceiling, as a dismountable construction. Fits easily into the trunk of a passenger car, which means that during the warmer months you can use it at the cottage or at Grandma as sports and playground. Going-versed enough to quickly and easily, assembly-disassembly should take you about 10-15 minutes. Ie optimal for small apartments. Children's Corner Early start – it is not just useful and interesting in buying a gift for your child – is a vivid and dreamlike world. More information about the Early starts at: Children's Corner

Dog Training

When we found this house, not sitting still, always looking for what would sneak a lump of wool, called a pup, no one thought about the show career. Because it took, how many say "for the soul." And so time passed, the puppy turns into a beautiful dog, and when asked again in the sixth, is not placed whether your dog, we decided to find out what it is. Thus, the exhibition. This is an opportunity to look at others and show yourself. This is a report of experienced breeders on their work. Here you can admire the beautiful dogs, socialize with the owners.

And now we're going to the first exhibition, pre-registered, puppy class (6-9 months). At the club. Registration is usually completed within 15 days before the show. We have already imagined the dog will be nice to run side by side, proudly raising his head, the first place, cups, pictures on the cover of the magazine. Nothing like this has happened. The puppy ran as a frantic, strained forward, pulling ringovku. But the judge was gracious to us and gave us our first title, "best puppy", but to us it was a shame. For reference.

In the puppy class experts usually do not judge strictly, in the description written motion, the compactness, the behavior of the ring. The time has come to engage with the handler. Selecting the hall near the house, and two sessions a week for half an hour, we started training dogs to shows.

Social Skills

The ability to share his toys – an important social skill. Parents, realizing this, often impose a ban on greed. How often do we hear the phrase: "Do not be greedy, to be shared, etc." Such bans are not effective initially. For example, the phrase "Do not be greedy," contains a particle "NO", which is often deleted perception of the child (he hear the rest – "greedy"). This ban belongs to the category of negatively formulated, since it indicates the child that he should not do. In this case the desired type of behavior mentioned. In the second part statements "must share" is the word "must", which is known to be generally discourages doing anything. Offered as an effective admission control with greed psychological technique – reframing.

How can this be apply in practice, communication with the child? I come with her son at the playground. All children with wheelchairs. Clear to everyone that someone else is better its speed Internet access. As a result, almost all children are concerned the issue of capture someone else's toys. This leads to conflicts – Here and there, there are tensions. Of course, the most effective means of resolving this conflict – it is the same preventive measures. Parents, going to the playground, would take the toy more appropriate for group play, the ball, for example.

This is an ideal. In fact, the situation developed in a different scenario. For a boy trying to take away my son's wheelchair. He does not give and is willing to fight for his favorite toy. It is clear that offer to share a toy in this situation would be ineffective, but I still do try. The hypothesis is confirmed. But nothing, as the Kashpirovsky: "No result – a result too." Apply a different tactic. Cannot to a conspiratorial whisper, and his son to him, "Jaroslaw, and let's see if we give this boy a gurney, he will ride it fast or slow?" That was enough.

Cost Wedding

For the best possible wedding banquet is a partial service. It is cheaper banquet with full services, but more solid reception. Cocktail suitable for young wedding guests that the main will be those who are little more than twenty. At this age they eat little and a lot of dancing. That you will not be disturbed, better rent a private room.

True, it will cost a little more than a few tables in the general area. The main advantages of dining in the restaurant are obvious and very attractive. First, the lion's share of burden of preparing wedding will be transferred from your fragile shoulder of the powerful torsos restaurant workers. Concerns about the design space, serving and table decorations, cooking holiday dishes and cleaning (or rather, the capital repair) space after the wedding does not threaten you. In extreme cases, have a little nervous in conversation with the restaurant's. Second, during the wedding feast, you can relax on a par with the other guests, rather than rush headlong out of the hall to the kitchen and in the opposite direction. Wedding in the cafe will cost several times cheaper than dinner at a restaurant. And can be rented for an evening or a room or a room with a chef and waiters.

In the latter case, many organizational issues such as preparing holiday dishes, table and guest service, fully pass into the hands of professionals. You will only need to pay money for it and ensure that everything went 'without a hitch. " The most common version of a wedding celebration – "home" wedding, a feast of 'quiet family circle' of native walls. For the premises do not have to pay, and the cost of for food are under full control: if you want – purchase exotic products at fantastic price, you want to – go to the market and buy only what you need (meat, potatoes, tomatoes, eggs). On the other hand, all the negative aspects of the organization of large-scale feast will be on your shoulders, not to mention often a need to repair the premises at the end of the wedding! Efforts on preparation of a festive table at home can be alleviated if the contacting of life and hire for the evening waiters 2.3, which will help lay the table and serve guests. As the summer varieties home can offer a wedding celebration in the country. This option is suitable for consideration only if the land was overgrown with weeds, no, not a country house fell on its side and threatened every moment to bring down roof on the heads of households. Well, if the house has a large patio. It was here in the good summer weather can put a wedding tables. But we must remember about the original unpredictability of the weather: covering the tables under outdoors, you need to be pretty sure that the weather does not let you down!