The Unit

Unity is our currency. We must unite the soldier and the official environment with its neighbours suffering from blackouts, inflation and shortages. We must unite together to the officer that goes to the restaurant and feels observed with people who are at the other tables and so regain the Venezuelan identity. The unit is the essential condition for success. Without unity there is no output. Without unity, there will be no change.

The Unit is as water, amalgamada drops, joint in mole, essential to life. Unit can return us the existence, replace us the light off, repair the turbines of Guri, patiently, with constancy, with parsimonious task of reconstruction. You must first open the floodgates, baste in a single bundle of forces to those who protest. We must weave linkages, the understandings, the understandings among all sectors that walk each one by his side and they have not seen the unit. We must unite the cheated with the disillusioned and disappointed new.

The unit is the priority. The unit must be adopted. The unit cannot go there, area, dressed in clothing frayed, disappointed. We must unite to brainy economists who point us contraction deflation, loss of employment, with the scarce pulpers who survive here and there. Urgently need unity among the classes that still allow the marriage, first communion and birthday with a good party with young people in neighborhoods that decanted beer unemployed in one corner and exposed to some drug distributors acribillen them. The Unit looks at us languid, exhausted, to our waiting. We must respond to the unit. It is urgent to give an answer to the unit. Output will be heard when the unit we embrace. The unit will be demonstrated so she was the panacea. When all embrace the unit we will again be a social body. When all make us one with the unit we will be unbeatable.

The Premilianismo

Reading Finally, revelation, topics of judgment are re-enlanzan through seals, the trumpets and the ira cups, and therefore, the according to the Amilenial view is not simply chronological. Although the most natural reading of Revelation 19: 11-20: 10 is sequential no unit break, combining all the above evidence, it can be more persuaded by an argument of the recapitulation. On this basis, it could be said that the story of Juan de visions does not indicate historical tie between them, but simply the order as Juan received them. Number of resurrections in the projection Amilenial the first resurrection is spiritual, second body. In the premilenialismo both resurrections are tangible.

The Premilianismo on the basis of 1 Corinthians 15: 51-52, teaches 2 bodily resurrections the essential argument is that the first stage is the resurrection deCristo (v 23), followed by the resurrection of believers in Christ at his second coming (v23), Millennium, followed by the second resurrection of the believers in the end. After (24 v) is in the sequential sense after that. In context, however, the resurrection of Christ (the firstfruits) has secured a bodily resurrection for all who die in Christ. Christ by his resurreccioninauguro the hope of the future bodily resurrection of the believer. A single resurrection is in the vision, the order perceived in this text is logical, not sequential. The bodily resurrection in the Parousia is based on the resurrection of Christ, and this Parousia will see Christ to give his Kingdom to the God the father. Indications fingers there chronologically separate resurrections. If Pablo wanted to teach two resurrections, he would say it clearly. In addition, Daniel 12: 2 clearly indicates that there will be a bodily resurrection of the righteous and the wicked, with no indication of 1000 years between the resurrection of the two. Similarly, in acts 24: 15 does not It asserts no distinction between the two bodily resurrections.


Crowdsourcing, neologism that comes from the conjunction of the Anglo-Saxon words crowd (crowd) and source (source), usually translated into Spanish as crowdsourcing, and is a new model of business over the Internet, by which a specific job, such as the production of content, is not delegated to a person or a company, but a mass audienceusually consisting of anonymous individuals. You can treat users of a web site or public in general, subjected to a propaganda message.Crowdsourcing, as operative’s work, can be applied to almost any area. There are many web sites that work under this precept and offer their services to various tasks, such as programming or design web. In all cases, the system uses the possibilities that allows the mass popularization of Internet. Here we will make a tour through the history of crowdsourcing and the different modes that adopts. The beginnings of the first crowdsourcingEl in analytically deal with the issue of the Crowdsourcing was Jeff Howe, an editor of the technology magazine Wired, who pointed out the relationship between the origin of the crowdsourcing and open source or open source software.

Open source software offers you the possibility, to any user, edit the schedule, so that development gives collaboratively by users of the applications themselves. Tentative experiences linked to the exploitation of the reach of the Internet for the solution to a problem are innumerable, and include cases extravagant as the blog network paperclip, which allowed him a young, through successive exchanges and after one year, trocar a paper clip for a House. Another example of huge media resonance was another young man who, thanks to a web page and the help of the Internet, managed to find a girl that is had fallen in love in the metro of New York.De Wikipedia to Google MapsUno of the best-known crowdsourcing examples is the famed encyclopedia Wikipedia, whose content is generated, updated and maintained by the users of the web. The idea of using crowdsourcing as a generator of content not necessarily is limited to the writing of texts, as evidenced by the Google Maps Google service, by which users indicate the location of businesses, institutions and other references. This allows an exponential growth of the databases for these services, which are fed continuously by Internet users around the world.ReCaptcha, the automated digitalization of librosReCaptcha is a service that consists of a small locker which, added to any web site, allows you to verify that the users of the sites are real and not automated applications.

The interesting thing about ReCaptcha is that below this service anti-spam works a not very well-known crowdsourcing system: each time that a user type the words contained in the image that is presented, is digitizing a book words, a task that existing text recognition applications unable to perform effectively. Benefits and controversies of the crowdsourcing crowdsourcingEl represents a benefit clear for those who It gives start initiatives, since it enables quality results at a low cost, whatever the work to perform. It is common to find objections to this modality of work, mainly based in which being used users to obtain a revenue, which even is often associated with labor exploitation. However, for the moment there judicial cases, or complaints from users. The popularization of web sites based on crowdsourcing suggests that the model is here to stay.

The Best Business To Earn Money On The Internet

Many people who are interested in starting a business on the Internet make me this question: which is the best business to make money? My answer is that you should not focus so much on the type of business or product, but rather should focus on skills that have to acquire to develop it. How many emails received daily with these words? New opportunity of business on Internet, earn great income I guess you like me should receive enough. Too many people going to jump from an online business to another constantly. Or they want to cover too many projects and ultimately do nothing because they waste their time in the constant research of new opportunities. Never done one thing well but that many halfway. New business opportunity in Internet words, earn great income, does not mean that they will be more successful. You are the most important factor in any type of business that you are going to start on the Internet. That skill is? He has learned about marketing? When people they don’t have the necessary skills and when they are not persistent, will not succeed in any business until they acquire the knowledge and skills required and when they learn to be persevering.

The construction of their entrepreneurial skills is more important than the product you want to sell. For example, you that would prefer to have $ 200 in your hand at this time or that I teach him how to win $200? If you choose the first option, this well, but is that gonna do when the $ 200 to finish him? If you choose the second option, you’ll never have to worry about the fact that the $ 200 they will end since you will have the skills to win another $200. Once you learn the skills and necessary marketing strategies to make your business operate and prosper you can sell anything. There is not a better business to earn money online, there is no one way that it is more profitable to make money on the Internet. There are many ways to earn money by Internet, but none you It will work if not educated and if it is not persistent. Then that must be performed before starting your business on the Internet? You must learn and educate yourself. If they do not lose their time and their energy, even more if you are a beginner and have no idea of how to get started. Once this East trained and knows how to make an effective marketing, you can have success with any business that decides to start. After you put into practice what you have learned, take action, focuses on a project at a time and finish it, then you can begin to earn money on the Internet.


One of the biggest problems people have to face when they want to start a business on the Internet, is that they don’t know that they could sell. They can’t imagine how they could generate a product that other people wanted to buy. Below you will find seven effective strategies to find their ideal niche on the Internet 1.-a niche that you know well as customer maybe there is an area in which you yourself has been customer with certain needs and has found an effective way to meet them. Other people would pay for that information. No one wants to reinvent the wheel again. 2.

Whats your call or your purpose on Earth? A call we all have in our hearts, but not everyone has it so clear. If you have felt in his heart help certain sector of the population or create a positive impact on them, maybe an Internet business is a good option. Don’t feel bad by charging money for their help. You have to pay accounts, and if you can’t pay them through what you are called to do, will have to find another job and leave to their called aside. 3. What what we are passionate about? Unfortunately the majority of people live their passions in his spare time after work. The Internet is an ideal tool to earn money doing what you most enjoy doing. You can form a community that has the same passion and then to share experiences and knowledge with her.

4. What strengths they see others in you? Most of us ignore that we are experts in something. Our talents and skills come so naturally that we cannot imagine that other people might need our help. 5. What kind of people they are attracted to you? Look around him. What are groups of people with which it is involved? You can expand that group to the rest of the world via the web. 6. What experiences it has accumulated in life, struggles has had? If you has gone through difficult moments in his life and has overcome them, you have a powerful tool to help others. 7. Make a market study see that things are in great demand. The Internet offers very effective tools to make effective market research. Search needs that people have, and that nobody is providing.