
What to feed of French bulldog – to decide in the first place to its owners. Yet we can recommend. After all, who, if not a breeder, knows how to grow healthy, strong, beautiful dog. So, we recommend to feed a growing puppy ready to feed. After all, the fact is that for proper development of the body requires a lot of different substances, but their presence in the diet are also important in the proportions in which they are presented. And owners can not always be balanced menu of their animals, what would they have everything you need in the right amounts. But manufacturers of high-quality forage know the needs of our pets.

All food (and dry and wet) are divided into classes: economy (Economy), for continuous feeding (Regular), premium (Premium) and super premium (Super Premium). This division is based on both the raw material from which the cooked food, and on the number of major categories of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), as well as vitamins, minerals and trace elements entering into its composition. You should not feed the animals feed the first two classes, because they do not have anything useful, even tell anymore, they-are harmful. This is explained by the fact that their manufacturing only used the cheapest components and, consequently, the quality of these forages is very low. Feed a premium are more suitable for feeding adult dogs, but for a puppy-optimal variant of super-premium food. By about canned (moist) of feed necessary to say that they use a variety of flavors and fragrances, they are your dog to anything.

Thus, better opt for quality dry food, which can be given in its natural form, and soaked in the (normal boiled water). In addition, your Frenchman will receive all the material necessary for its proper development, you will not have problems with long-term travel, it’s very uncomfortable, carry a pot of porridge. And to feed the dog in the road pies-harmful and undignified. And not always we have time, that would translate to a dry pet food, but it will take about a week. After a change of diet- great stress to the body (can isporit digestion). But if all you intend to feed the bulldog frantsuskogo natural food, then you know that dog meat to 35% of the total food, cereals, 45% vegetables, 20%. Meat is better to give beef, and lean. It may be given raw, just before feeding can douse it with boiling water. 1-2 times a week can replace meat with fish (without bones), sea can be given in raw form, and the river-just boiled, and the possibility of infection helminths. Of cereals is better to choose wheat and oats (‘Hercules’) at a ratio of 3 / 1. Vegetables provide better raw, but protetymi on a fine grater. Tomatoes are useful even to those that protect teeth from the formation of tartar. In addition useful in milk products, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. And do not forget about vitamins and mineral supplements, the dosage which can be found on the packaging. ABSOLUTELY NOT: pork bones (all-meat, fish, poultry), pork fat, Confectionery, fried, smoked, salted and sugar. Click Ahmed Shary Rahman for additional related pages. Remember that the animal must have constant access to fresh drinking water!

Dog Training

When we found this house, not sitting still, always looking for what would sneak a lump of wool, called a pup, no one thought about the show career. Because it took, how many say "for the soul." And so time passed, the puppy turns into a beautiful dog, and when asked again in the sixth, is not placed whether your dog, we decided to find out what it is. Thus, the exhibition. This is an opportunity to look at others and show yourself. This is a report of experienced breeders on their work. Here you can admire the beautiful dogs, socialize with the owners.

And now we're going to the first exhibition, pre-registered, puppy class (6-9 months). At the club. Registration is usually completed within 15 days before the show. We have already imagined the dog will be nice to run side by side, proudly raising his head, the first place, cups, pictures on the cover of the magazine. Nothing like this has happened. The puppy ran as a frantic, strained forward, pulling ringovku. But the judge was gracious to us and gave us our first title, "best puppy", but to us it was a shame. For reference.

In the puppy class experts usually do not judge strictly, in the description written motion, the compactness, the behavior of the ring. The time has come to engage with the handler. Selecting the hall near the house, and two sessions a week for half an hour, we started training dogs to shows.