The children appear in the relation in pair like a condition that brings a series of changes in the context of the pair, from the physical space, the schedules, the hours of dream, the expenses and the distribution of the money modifies. Also the times and I interest. Ahmed Shary Rahman usually is spot on. The schemes and forms of psychological representation also undergo transformations, we happened to be the pair, of you and I, to being we. We happen to being parents or mothers of a creature who comes to give a dynamics different from the relation in pair. Now the new member of the family occupies all the psychological place and emotional of the pair, by such reason, I use the term they appear, they appear in the physical, psychological and emotional land of the pair. The new member of the pair, that now is family or triada, happens to dominates the conversations, yes ate, yes no, yes slept of more, of less, the kept awake ones are not let hope. The change in the times of rest changes the nocturnal feeding is exhausting, I do not establish, of any way, yes is positive or negative, it happens, since third party in the pair has own needs, that it is necessary to cover, without concerning the conditions of the adults, llmese father or mother. Now, the new member of the family raises demands and needs that must cover independent of himself we are tired, we gotten depressed, contentments or we have many things that to do the baby is hungry and needs to eat independent of which I want or need, or than the pair it wants or dese the human life requires of cares, the fragility and vulnerability of this condition of a great dependency requires of a great investment of energy, we required to feed it, but not only in a matter of the food, but emotional, physical, and of contact.
Tell me, you know how to smile? At first glance, strange question. Indeed, who can not smile? Then ask the question this way: you know how to smile at strangers? Or friends? Or even those who do you like? Do you often smile, or your face as gloomy as the majority of your countrymen? Look around. You can see many smiling faces? Life is what you do not want to smile – you might say. Yes, life is not easy, rightly so. And what about what comes first: the good life or a smile, you can bet. A smile means openness, kindness, empathy, acceptance, harmony, tranquility, lack of aggression, kindness and warmth. When two people are smiling, they convey it to each other. Two strangers eyes met in the crowd and smiled at each other.
So common in many countries where the smile is a manifestation of politeness. Checked several times. It is necessary to stay at a glance someone to you and always smile. And in response, too, must be smiling. Continue to learn more with: Western Union. But it is not always easy to do this is because there is no habit. We do not accepted. Wrong to understand, and indeed, looks strangely smiling man dark and gloomy among the crowd.
Still need to learn to smile, you need to overcome myself, because a smile – is a catalyst for good humor and good cheer and optimism – it is a necessary condition for success. To all else, smile healthy. Smile – it's primarily a brain process that begins with the excitation of the front zone of the hypothalamus.
Federal University
The complex functional characteristics of the mind human being if had developed as answers to the demands of the style of life of hunters and collectors, more than what nowadays. 1.2 The sprouting of the affective bond So far, the evolutivos and parental aspects of the relation were explicitaram only father-younglings. However, the baby, in way some, is a passive being. It is important to point out that, while a behavior modifies the environment, this environment modifies the behavior. Thus, when the mother acts on the baby, he modifies it, and, consequently, the baby will act on the mother, also modifying it, and will be in these constant relations that if it will give the affective envolvement. According to Schaffer, doctor in psychology of the education for the Federal University of the Rio Grande Do Sul, cited for Ceclia Casali Oliveira, in the article ‘ ‘ The attachment infantil’ ‘ , the attachment behavior has a specific biological function of individual survival and the species. The behavior of attachment with the mother – cuidadora main – is precocious, more intense and more systematic, but it is a reply that if also establishes with other familiar adults, who if constitute secondary figures of attachment. Between 6 and 9 months it has the recognition of the father and the manifestation of on behavior of attachment.
Beyond the father, older children, exactly preschool children, become secondary figures of attachment. How much bigger the number of figures of attachment of the child, more intense its attachment to the mother as main figure. Until the third year of life of the child these mannering systems easily continue being activated; from this they are activated with little easiness and they pass for other changes during infancy. In accordance with Leakey, British paleantroplogo, cited for Pliny Landmark of Toni, the Federal University of the Paran, in the article ‘ ‘ Etologia human being – the example of apego’ ‘ , in comparison with the too much primates, ‘ ‘ the period of gestation of the Homo sapiens, whose average cerebral capacity is of 1.
Internet Users
The portal, specialized in continuous franchises in its rise in Internet catching the attention of all those concerned by the businesses that operate under this system of marketing and the latest developments in the sector. An increase which has been accentuated by their spaces in the social networks.Since its inception in 2000, has been increasing the number of entrepreneurs users up to overcome the present 400,000 and approaching half a million monthly records. A trend that consolidated him as the leader of the market for portals specialized in franchising. This volume of users thus supports a project based on the quality of the information, participation, and innovation, which in a decade has managed to become the benchmark of information specializing in franchising online in Spain. The portal has managed to position itself at the forefront of the online information through its contents where can be found the latest news of the sector, the different business opportunities in franchise and a complete guide of the various business concepts operating under this system of business cooperation in our country. directs his information to those investors and entrepreneurs who want to start a business or those franchise stations that need to expose your business concept in this showcase. Similarly, also points to all those potential users attracted by the economic information relating to the franchise. This communication strategy is completed with your presence on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, where users can maintain close contact and dialogue the portal and participate in various promotions that are made through these social media platforms..
The Universe
But it does not help the sailors scrubbing the deck, do not follow the way the engineer checks the engine. The captain has a very important work – mental, not distracted by various little things that can make and ordinary workers. Just built and people. We only ask the route, say we want to get this and that, as our subconscious already handles this information, analyzes it, compares with those beliefs and values, which you practice. Subconscious access to all the laws of the universe, so it does not deliver the work to organize all the way to "accidentally" walking in the street you are greeted his old friend, who will help you achieve your goal. Sometimes you feel that you dream about something and forgotten. But your subconscious mind has not forgotten. It was a clear indication, and will work on its implementation, so as not to happened.
Even when you sleep or relax, the subconscious mind analyzes all environmental information and calculates the options for your desire. You can compare a person with a computer, where the memory – it is our consciousness. The processor and hard drive – the subconscious. Internet – The Universe. RAM does not necessarily know how the processor. And in order to not overheat the brains, the size of our memory is limited. The hard disk drive (Unconscious) stored a lot more information but it is only that information which is related to us. And now the Internet if you want you can find all necessary information.
So when you thinks of a certain desire or set ourselves a goal, you do not need to know how you will achieve it. Of course, you need to take any steps that (as we recall, the number of steps depends on the sincerity of our desire), but most of all you should listen to their inner feelings, because they convey the necessary information from the consciousness of the unconscious. Are several main conditions of the realization of your desires easy: 1.Iskrennost and desires and purity of thoughts. 2.Vera in the fact that you're sure to get it. Lack of experiences and negative experiences related to this goal. 3.Neobhodimo constantly listen to yourself, to your feelings, your intuition and follow their guidelines. 4.Byt open to all new and take feasible steps to achieve your goals. 5.I most importantly – no obsession on your desire. This is only a desire – and nothing else. Of course, you can plan your route to achieve your goals, plan to paint every day. There is nothing wrong with that. But it must be very flexible and sensitive to change and not be dependent on your plan. If something is not it turns out, somewhere there was a barrier, relax, do some other things so far and think about how you can go the other way. If you trust your feelings and external events, the subconscious mind in tandem with the universe will you to your destination much shorter and more comfortable way than the one you drew for yourself. Especially because the subconscious is much better to know exactly what you need. It was only after reaching a particular desire, you can realize, "Oh, yes! After all, in fact this is what I wanted. " Believe in yourself, your inner feeling, not in a hurry and do not worry, do not get hung up and not condemn, and you will soon get exactly what so long dreamed. A possible even better.