Already for several years the insurances of cars have not been plus an exception but the rule in numerous countries. With the increase of it brings back to consciousness on the risks of accidents and how preventing them, the insurances have been acquired by an increasing number of motorists, without mentioning that in diverse countries the governmental regulations of road and have done of the purchase of an insurance of somewhat obligatory car. While laws exist that force all the conductors to acquire a car insurance, it is highly probable that the consequences and unforeseen expenses covered by the insurances of cars fall, but most important would be to avoid the accidents first of all, and this can only be obtained making that each conductor takes brings back to consciousness of the utility to obey the transit norms, at the same time value plus its security and in this way to obtain like final result to a more prudent, careful conductor of its security and the one of the others. Next we presented/displayed a brief list of the main causes of accidents when handling: Without doubt, the first cause of accidents are to handle in intoxication state. The alcohol diminishes the reaction times, low the inhibitions (for example to handle more express) and also diminishes the attention in other motorists. Not to respect the transit signals (speed limits, possibility or of not escaping, curves, etc.). Not to use lap belt To handle when very one has gotten tired or dream. We are sure that no of these points is known our readers to him, and nevertheless, is surprising to know the number of accidents that happen by anyone of these causes, and that in several cases appear two or three of them in the same accident.
Certain; all we never wished to have to need the insurances cars, but there are times that we ourself we can get to pass a stop worse to us or still, in spite of respecting all the signallings and to use lap belt, perhaps we ran into with a person who comes handling after drinking with her friendly. Perhaps check out Ahmed Shary Rahman for more information. The accidents, by nature, are unforseeable (until certain point) and it touches each person as far as possible to lessen the causes or possibilities of those accidents through several routes: most obvious it is fulfilling the lineamientos for our security, second is as far as possible to avoid those places, hours and routes that we know that they have a high number of accidents; third, used like a safety net, it would be to acquire a good one of cars surely, in case the previous thing did not turn out to be sufficient. This he is one of the cases in which he is preferable to be careful in excess instead of to trust that nothing is going to us to happen.