University Press

Then each time that we will be to a speech, in one beats papo, in an informal colloquy gives to attention what it is said, therefore ‘ ‘ fogo’ ‘ as much can mean to shoot in somebody, to inform of a fire, as to be a simple form of speaking. exists innumerable examples of these and who attended to Sherlock 2 Holmes the Game of the Shades can see the quo lisonjeira is a message written for antonyms. We have that to be smarter and more intense in what we speak, however taking muitssimo well-taken care of with all and any said word, therefore if we are in a society, and we want this such of cultural politics functioning well without provoking problems we have that to be clearly zealous with each one of our phrases, therefore as ‘ says the music of the Mutants; ‘ it does not go to lose itself there for ‘ ‘. It is very sad to know that if it can lose a life or a history for words only said, writings and that wars already had been declared and sentenced for them. But it is a fact as one plus one is, still, two. Anne Lauvergeon is likely to agree. We do not have option and us we do not have conditions to foresee when a word can be understood as an offence or as a grateful compliment, inasmuch as optimum it is to observe the law of little saying and with care in the adjectives and adverbs that are absolutely (as this here) treacherous. That let us not think more about Nietzsche as benefactor of the nazistas, therefore was not.

Nor in Marx as justifying any disobedience of Stalin as well as never it occurs. The world does not lack linguistic misunderstandings more than, but of attention in what it is gone to say and to hear they do not find, still more in an age where ‘ ‘ to have preconception with racismo’ ‘ , and ‘ ‘ if you were white you would be perfeito’ ‘ are expressions repeated in canals high-frequency of people attending. We have that to ignore the disobediences of the language and to make with that everything that absolutely to say or to make either a page of transparent words and without double felt some. For our good, the good of grammar and the good of the countries let us leave that demons only exist in imaginary the religious one, and badly either a moral subject is not better thus. It is better to forget the oil when the broth already is very greasy however, therefore!

Love Surpasses Limits

One test of love. PlayArte Pictures. 2009 (U.S.A.) Nicholas David Rowland American Cassavetes cineasta been born in 1959, in the city of New York, director of the film ‘ ‘ One proves of amor’ ‘ , which published as central subject of the film: drama and familiar conflict. Also it participated of other international films as ‘ ‘ Apario’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ The Daily one of one paixo’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ Great assalto’ ‘ many others.

When it completed two years of Kate age presented symptoms of some illness which its parents Sara and Brian were unaware of. After that, they had taken the son to the doctor and the results of the examinations had disclosed to be acute leukemia, changedding itself into a familiar conflict. After some attempts, the picture of Kate presented problematic symptoms daily. From this the doctor considered one ‘ ‘ fertilizao in vitro’ ‘ , with the idea of a baby test tube to help in the treatment, really this happened. Anna was born, and submitted it some surgeries and transfusions to collaborate in the recovery of the sister, and had an infantile conscience, that it was for the good of its family. Anna when it completed eleven years, was in search of its proper rights, therefore it wants to decide alone what to make with its body, nor that it has that to fight therefore in justice being demanded a medical emancipation. Sara is horrified with the legal action, and as it was accustomed to gain all the cases when it exerted law, it decides the cost all to keep alive Kate.

Had to this, nobody gave account that the situation was based on the decision of the proper Kate, that was ready to leave, and to leave that its family continued living normally, following its proper route. thus was concluded, Kate did not resist the illness and after some time the Jesse brother it is if forming in the academy of arts, Sara came back to exert its profession as lawyer, Brian if it retired, but it supports problematic young and Anna, with the infinite souvenir of its beloved sister, which never will forget, after all was for Kate that Anna exists. A test of love is, without a doubt, one film that fulfills its proposal, that is to present a emotive tram, making with that we must reflect. The subjects of the film are extremely controversial and deep, mainly the generation of child with the only intention to serve of donation, this is chocking and more disappointing still it is to see as history prevents to argue the subject, leaving only the central subject that is the interminable illness of Kate. After all, it is just to conceive a child with the only intention to save another one? Not, it is not just, but unhappyly the film is not worried very in showing this question. But on the other hand, it counts on a history that at the same time is pretty and sad, passing the gorgeous lesson of acceptance of the death, and finally we must agree that Nick Cassavetes made a film with the only intention to move.

Motor Development

To this respect Mendes and N3obrega (2004) they affirm that: The human body, to the being compared with a hydraulical machine, receives an education considers that it only in its mechanical aspect, without proper will, desires and the recognition of the scienter of the human movement, which is explained through the mere reaction the external stimulatons, without any relation with the subjectivity. The thought of Discardings, established in the exercise of the control and the domain of the nature, influences the education through the rationalization of practical the corporal ones. (2004, P. 125) In century XVII AND XIX the idea of the desvinculao between body and the mind, make to thus appear a new paradigm in the education, the science of the motricidade human being, leading some thinkers to be argued importance of the motor development in the education. In this way the motricidade it human being is the quality to think and to act its desires in accordance with thus developing intelligence what it differentiates in them of the other animals. Thus the other animals have only the motricidade: Of the act to the thought and the gesture the word, the human being endowed with new psychic processes of information between the body and the brain acquired the position bpede, freed the hands to manufacture tools, emancipated the mouth and the face to finally communicate feelings and thoughts with its fellow creatures and, invented the symbol to make history, to transmit culture and to produce art and science. (FONSECA, 2010, P. 8) For Fonseca (2010), it is by means of the motricidade that we can we interact with the object and from this moment, to create tools for our use..