So more challenging the more obliged to answer to the challenge with a problem in its connections with others, a plan of totality and not as something petrified, the understanding resultant becomes tends it increasingly critical, for this, each desalienada time more. (FREIRE, 1987, p.55) It sees that at this moment we place in them as educandos? a time that, we were being research object. To the step that we understood our situation, we better understood the condition of the other, thus start to be part of the desalienada condition of our pedagogical conceptions, becoming us more critical. At the first moment, since we would go to work with the Theater of the Oppressed one, we collect the data using a daily pay-structuralized script of interview, a time that, we think to be this the way that makes possible the free expression of the interviewed one on different subjects. The interview was simple, but it brought us a rich material in information, I contend in them declaration of dreams of many young.
It had the necessity of the social respect of the community, this was not only declaration of people who faced the domestic violence, the poverty, the hunger and misery, but also finds people with history of overcoming and these wanted very and counting in them as they had surpassed as many problems. Through the collected data, we perceive that we needed to make the Theater of the Oppressed one directed toward our reality, therefore we needed ahead finding in them of that imensido of problematizaes and making our Theater raising questions that problematizam the formation of the pedagogia course and the relation of the University and the professors the spaces not-deed of division. She is necessary to emphasize that ' ' Pedagogia is a science and as such must study the education as prxis critically social' ' (PASTICHI and CAVALCANTI, 2008).