
A pyramid was created then where the necessities consist human beings and its implications. As Robbins, DeCenzo (2001, p.168, 169) the necessities of each individual is internal, therefore they exist since its birth, these are called primary necessities, but with passing of the time with the growth and development of the individual they appear the secondary necessities. For Chiavenato (2005, p.247) it is possible to define necessities in levels: – Level 1: Physiological necessities: they are who guarantee the survival of the individual (to eat, to drink, to sleep, to live, protection). – Level 2: Necessities if Security: also they are related the survival of the individual, protection against external and ambient threats. – Level 3: Social necessities: Other people are associates with the life of the individual together with, involve friendship, love, affection, to be part of the society. Secondary necessities: – Level 4: Necessities of Esteem: If they relate with the way as the person if it sees, proper if she evaluates involving auto confidence, recognition, auto appreciation and status. – Level 5: Necessities of Auto Accomplishment: the human being aims at these higher necessities as maximizing its potential aptitudes and capacities, professional success and personal growth.

The figure below identifies each one of the mentioned necessities previously. Figure 2: Pyramid of Maslow Source: Consuming Behavior, 2009 When if it enriches the carried through tasks is possible to notice one better performance and greater satisfaction in the work. SURVEY OF the DATA For the production of data had been elaborated classified interviews as exploratrias, nature of data had as the qualitative form and the interviews had directly occurred in the company object of this study. The same one has the purpose to offer ampler vision with better clarification of the ideas beyond defining better the facts, participating of the opinions of the employees in relation the motivation thus being able to verify if the attractive motivacionais that are offered, really are perceived by the collaborators.