New research: diabetes risk much vitamin D cut in half the known spectrum of vitamin D is more extensive. It is already long rather than the protective bone effect in the foreground. In recent years more and more effects of vitamin D are known, which can impact positively on the health and life of the people. These include protection against cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Now, a large study was published, which shows that people with adequate vitamin D supply half as often diabetes mellitus fall ill with diabetes as people who are supplied with vitamin D insufficient.
Are these results for health-conscious people of relevance? Against the background of the current supply situation with vitamin D in Germany are the results of the highest relevance. According to the surveys of the German consumption study, 9 out of 10 adults with 6 out of 10 with calcium and vitamin D are deficient? The level of supply is significant to the part and is on average 50% below the aspiring to Target values. This can lead to severe health risks and is a normal diet no longer to compensate, especially occurring fat-soluble vitamin D only in some few foods (E.g. some fish) in sufficient quantity. To stimulate the body’s vitamin D production increased exposure to the Sun or also not really good alternative is to go to the solarium in the light of the increased risk of skin cancer. In Germany, not as in the United States some staple foods with vitamin D supplemented, it stays just the way to swallow vitamin D tablets according to many experts. Since the whole spectrum of vitamin D can be exploited to effect only in conjunction with calcium, these two vital substances should be eaten together in a single tablet.
Navitum Pharma offers a product for the health-conscious people with OsteoVitum, which contains per day according to the recommendations for the preventive administration of 400IE Vitamin D3 and calcium 1000 mg. Modern research shows that vitamin D (plus calcium) as in OsteoVitum not only good for the bone structure but also but also the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease and certain cancer can significantly reduce. It has a direct impact on the life expectancy of women and men from middle age. On the day, the body with the important components of life is supplied with 2 tablets. The tablets have a Groove of Division of, so that they can be consumed more easily. 24.90 cost a month protect against age-related deficiencies and errors. OsteoVitum (PZN 0765820) at pharmacies or directly at Navitum Pharma can be ordered free shipping. Cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 5858041) and 6 months (PZN5858035) by OsteoVitum are in the trade. Should a pharmacy look unable, to order OsteoVitum, for the customer so the customer directly by phone at the company can do this.