Ethnographic Qualitative Investigation

Evaluative criteria of an Ethnographic Qualitative Investigation. In general terms different authors, between whom Goetz and LeCompte stand out, (1988) they have identified five attributes or quality criteria, whose concurrence contributes was worth to it of any investigation and therefore of a qualitative and ethnographic study. These attributes are: clarity, meaning, property, comprensividad, credibility and creativity or unique character. The clarity and the meaning are the criteria fundamental to evaluate the quality of the aims of the investigations. The clarity is related to the suitable specification in the design of the intentions of the investigator and its relation with the findings. When the aim and the questions of the investigation are articulated clearly, the central point happens to be the meaning. This one determines by the measurement in that a study contributes something to the existing knowledge and is applicable to the discipline to that belongs.

Also, an investigation is also significant if it contributes new perspective a realised studies or and when it perfects, verify or corroborate the existing knowledge through comparative or explanatory designs. The property attribute is the degree of adjustment of the used model of investigation, the participants and scenes selected for the aims and specific questions raised by the investigator. In relation to the evaluation of the criteria of credibility and comprensividad of the methods, they depend on the quality of the data contained in the investigation report. Consequently, it is important that the data are sufficiently dense and representative from the examined reality, have to consist of direct appointments of the participants and descriptions of activities, events and other phenomena in concrete terms and the language used by the participants. Another important point with respect to the credibility criterion has to do with the relation between the secured results and their justification from the picked up data and the form in which they were obtained. On the other hand, the Lincolns and Guba (1992), propose three criteria of quality to consider in the qualitative studies: a) trustworthiness criterion; b) ethical criteria; and c).

authenticity criterion the criterion of credibility for these authors, is related to the use given to the technical resources: methods of investigation, document storing, discussion with experts, registries of incidences, triangulation of the data, among others. The ethical criteria are related to the respect the person, to the confidentiality of the provided information, to the consent for their publication and the respect to the privacy. In relation to they define it to the authenticity as a fundamental procedure, applied the investigation process throughout and which is characterized by the offer, on the part of the investigator, of clear tracks of revision of the processes and his sequence of form so, that it is possible to be verified the authenticity of the data and registries. Finally it is important to emphasize that according to diverse authors, the even-tempered critics and recensores leave of side their personal preferences and slants you will discipline, to evaluate the studies that appear to them by their intrinsic merits and no, from the point of view of which they had done.