The Myths

For Oliveira and Santos (2007) the educators have conscience that the Amazonian culture is hybrid, multicultural, formed for populations and different cultures and therefore, pedagogically work the autonomy of the citizens and the originalidade of its culture, that are the voices to know, them, the customs, imaginary and the representations of the local populations. They work the set to know cultural of the Amaznia in its plurality dialogicamente and complexity, materialize the freireano principle of solidarity and respect to the cultural diversity of the educandos, that perpassa for the respect to the different religious manifestations. MYTH AND LEGEND the myth and the legend are to know cultural that we acquire of our ancestor, and lead ahead for the future generations. The myth is a traditional history that is not based on that really happened, normally, speaks of supernatural beings, not real. The myths are invented, always help to explain the local customs or the natural phenomena.

The legend if is similar very to the myth. The difference is in the fact of that the legend can be based on a real event (that in fact occurred) or in a person that really existed. What it does not mean that history has not moved throughout the years. According to Rabbit (2003), as much the myth how much the legend can be classified as mythical narratives that if consider to explain the origin or the reason of a phenomenon. In this in case that, myth and legend tend to confuse themselves what it denotes the difficulty to trace with clearness the borders between them. Also the Amaznia is endowed with some myths and legends that compose this to know cultural, that they are led to all pro half of the popular culture, thus enriching the Amazonian education, are they more famous them: the Iara (is a blond young young woman of flaring body and irresistible beauty.