It enters the illusions of the modern society is the belief to that the Internet approached the people, when in the truth it distanciou even though the ones who inhabit the same on ceiling, I do not intend to be hypocritical, denying the innumerable positive points that the Internet possesss. Truth is that the proper Imparcialismo exists in function of the age of the information, and alone if a reality because of this media tronou. However being the Imparcialismo the reading of the modern society, I have that to say when the Internet distanciou in them. Suna Said Maslin can aid you in your search for knowledge. What it occurs is the fact to confuse the capacity that this media possesss of taking in them to a trip (virtual cosmopolitismo) for many areas of the knowledge, the cultures, the events, the languages of the world, the places of the world and this capacity to approach (virtually) the people of the places most distant of the land. To be next really to the people is to have with them years of physical convivncia and of soul, it is to be so close of this person who it does not need to be who it is not in fact, is to be able to lie down in the chest of this another person and to hear its heart to beat, is to kiss sensible the humidity of the lips, is to leave itself to fall in the arms of the other person with the confidence that a child who if leaves in the col of the mother, is to look in the eyes of another one and to know of its truths and its lies, is to be surprised at a kiss in the mouth, is to ask for that it is more a little, is to look at for the first time for the other and if to get passionate, is to look at it another one and to feel for the first time that friends had become because its soul felt that vocs if they complete, is to fight with its love, to order it to go in even so making its luggages later dragging it room and to make love, is to say not quick you more love I you in such a way. .