A series of doubts about the study of environmental impact (EIA) of HidroAysen threw the results of the field work that developed in the Region of Aysen five engineers studying postgraduate courses at the Instituto Tecnologico de Massachusetts (MIT), during the month of January, 2009, and who marched through the area in order to answer complex questions such as what would be the contribution to GHG greenhouse (GHG) in five plants of HidroAysen?, do it is possible to make more efficient the dams that already exist in the SIC and avoid the intervention of the Patagonia?, is feasible to prevent the emptying of glacial lakes? or there is a risk of collapse of dams by these leaks, putting at risk at locations downstream as Caleta Tortel? After walking on glacial scarps, down the mighty Baker, participate in an international scientific seminar, interview with authorities and social leaders, visit Coyhaique, Cochrane, Caleta Tortel and Chile Chico researched technical information, and a work of Cabinet of several months, the Americans Kristen Burrall, Leandro Gianna and Laura sea, together with Italian Elisabetta Natale and Flavia Tauro, under the leadership of the researcher Wendy Pabich (Ph.d. MIT), delivered their reports with possible answers. His goal, in addition to the contribution of technical and scientific discussion, to obtain the master’s degree in engineering from the prestigious research centre, whose classrooms have passed through 63 Awards Nobel in the most varied areas of exact sciences. So that the final report of the group, which delivered results decision-makers was issued in September 2009. THE UNCOMFORTABLE conclusions of the thesis research MIT included various aspects, including environmental impacts, safety and possible alternatives for power generation through the optimization of already existing in the Biobio River dams and advancement in renewable non-conventional. In addition, its relationship with global warming. In environmental terms, research they determined that product of sedimentation in the projected reservoir Baker 1, reservoir and erosion downstream would imply a major impact on banks, vegetation and fauna.