RuNet Become More Advertising

In April 2009, the agency discovery Research Group completed a study of Internet advertising market in Russia. Data on the volume of Internet advertising in RuNet in 2008 from different sources vary widely. Most of the companies leading in the reports information about media online advertising, not taking into account context. According to the ad agency Mindshare Interaction, total online advertising market in Russia in 2008 amounted to 14,7 billion rubles (2.5 million), which is 55% more than 2007 results. According to caar, the market for Internet advertising in 2008 increased by one third (32%) and amounted to 7,5 billion rubles (reporting data on the Internet segment of the raca is without content).

Company JsonPartners evaluates the Russian Internet advertising market in the 0-620 million The main areas of online advertising in RuNet remain context (thematic links in search results and relevant resources) and media (banners, popups and other formats) advertising. On contextual advertising accounted for 60% of the market in the media – 40%. The main players in the content are still the company's 'Yandex' and 'runner' (owned holding company Rambler Media). In the first quarter of 2009, in total, they accounted for over 90% of the market. Checking article sources yields Macy’s Inc. as a relevant resource throughout. At the same time, Google with its AdWords contextual advertising system gradually increases the share of the Russian market. For many companies, in 2009, characterized by the redistribution of advertising budgets in favor of Internet. Leaders on costs in RuNet in 2008, as well as in the previous year, advertisers are automotive segment, which accounted for 27% of the amount of media online advertising. Significantly increased its presence in the network representatives of the fmcg sector (22%) and telecommunications companies (13%).

According to forecasts discovery Research Group, among all segments of the advertising market of Internet advertising will not only the most protected from the impact of economic downturn, but will in 2009 was some growth, primarily due to overflow of customers from other segments. The vast majority of advertisers (93%) going in 2009, actively take advantage of the internet (interactivity and ca involvement in communication, flexibility to modify the creative, targeted, permission to use the kernel in a 360-degree communication). Thus, according to market research, the majority of marketing directors and brand managers intend crisis year of 2009 to increase the budgets allocated to online advertising. However, we expect a significant slowdown in revenue from online advertising.

Creating A Site For Business

Creating a site for business, most entrepreneurs thought about the question of creating a website to promote their services and goods. And most make a positive choice for the site as a method of commerce and advertising. Thanks to our own website, opening up new business opportunities, primarily a new way of advertising and finding potential customers. Practice shows that in Russia today a large number of business people interact with computers and the Internet to 'you'. And among them a large proportion of people from time to time asked the value of goods and services through Internet bulletin boards or simply by specifying a keyword in the search engine.

For example, you will need for the winter to make repairs in an apartment and replace wooden plastic windows, the first thing you have to go online and look for a company that is installing and measuring the plastic windows in Your town. The first thing you will stumble, will be precisely those companies that are actively engaged in Internet advertising their services. Due to such services as web site promotion, it was more than possible. Jeff Gennette is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Among the methods of site promotion You can highlight some of the most popular activities: search engine optimization, website promotion, using contextual advertising, social promotion – created by the group in social networks, promotion by using mailing lists.

MLM Secrets

Every year more and more people come in different network marketing companies, but unfortunately, most of them can not take place in this business. Filed under: Governor Cuomo. It is interesting that some people fail and others at the same time, in the same projects that are making huge success. So what is the reason for the failure? The secret to success? Perhaps the reason for failure lies in the company's products, marketing plan or its management? After all, there are usually looking for reasons for their failures failed businessmen from network marketing. But, unfortunately, is not there they are seeking. The reason for all failures to the banality of simple and does not need to go far for her – she is always there. The main reason for failure lies in the fact that people came in mlm business, do not give attention to their internal state and with respect to this business. But in this business system, only your thoughts determine what you achieve.

Not hard work, and thoughts turn, determine Your income! Success or failure is directly related to the fact that you are in the subconscious. If the head is constantly spinning negative thoughts and images, they eventually penetrate the subconscious mind that dictates your actions and solutions that lead to failure. And it does not matter which company you cooperate with any work product and marketing plan, "negative", which dwelt in your subconscious, and with it, and all sorts of doubts, do not give you succeed anywhere. In principle, the issue with your business has long been solved, you still just do not know.


Who is there to obey the moral rule "do not hurt the worker? No! In the network companies payments are made according to the marketing plan in the next day after closing sales, or consultation under the plan. In our company, payments are made on Mondays, weekly, or day later! Nobody will say that you have decided to "cut benefits". So in what kind of business "Employee" entitled to enjoy the fruits of their labor? Come on – according to the "Fundamentals of " – continuing on the land ministry of Christ, who identified Himself with the destitute, the Church always defends the voiceless and powerless. Therefore, it encourages society to a just distribution of the fruits of labor, in which the rich support the poor, healthy – sick, disability – the elderly. Tell me, where higher-level people so you support than in a network company? Interested in whether the head in the usual standard in the organization that you will receive a greater salary than they do now, that you have climbed the corporate ladder? After all, he, too, have children who should occupy a high position in a firm with a good salary. Remember – your knowledge and your education does not help you here! I immediately came to mind an anecdote, when the head of a large company asked his aides to find 3 the most promising person in the company with great potential. When brought before him, three young guys, assistant director was asked – what to do with them, to raise the salary, bonus or raise the issue in a post? The Director replied – Fired! It is a fact of life


IPhone phone users are happy because they had a multi-tasking. Nokia users will also have to do it, albeit with certain restrictions. Managing too many concurrent problem leads to an error 'insufficient memory'. Owners of previously purchased Nokia N97 and N96 are aware of this. Is it enough to 256MB of ram, smartphone Nokia N8 to provide multitasking? I raise this question after seeing the recently video to demonstrate pre-release Nokia N8. In this video, you can see that error, "Memory exhausted. Close applications and try again.

" A window appeared when Rapporteur Nokia tried to play a video clip. Almost immediately after the occurrence of messages, she pressed the menu button, display the running tasks. These were the application of social network, gallery, photo editor, setting up WiFi, the application menu, the browser. Before we will condemn too strictly, it should be borne in mind that the phone is not ruled latest version. For example, I have not seen such a message during a brief test Nokia N8.

Let's compare: the Nokia N97 on board 128 mb ram, while the Nokia N900 was 256 mb. When released in selling , it added a 512 mb. IPhone 4, which according to some techno geeks, does not provide 'true multitasking', the bot is on 512 mb of ram. The emergence of Nokia N8 expected in the third quarter of this year, and she was stuck at 256 mb of ram. Why Nokia does not put more memory? You may think that I'm looking for a reason to nit-picking, but I truly wonder. I am interested in Nokia N8, but I really hope that we will not see a message that the 'memory full' when the device available for sale.

Honorary Award

There are no sanctions that would lowers your status. In a marketing plan laid gifts, and expensive gifts – cars bmw, yachts, airplanes, houses. Honorary Award, which allocates 5 percent of world trade and that distributors are often referred to as 'pension', given for lifetime and handed down. And this is neither more nor less, from 7 to 30 thousand dollars per quarter. Governor Cuomo is likely to agree. In addition to income, which will bring you to your distribution network.

That enough? Well, all fees are paid by the depth of the structure. According to Jeff Gennette, who has experience with these questions. Branch distributors who are on the same level career ladder with you, do not separate and not lost. Your status in the Company is your property, ie you can donate, sell, transfer by inheritance. And all of these conditions continue to improve. Not accidentally called a trendsetter in the network marketing. And yet – the company for the lazy, because people are working here without urging. But more often – a company of the future.

Tell you that "network marketing does not offer " entrenched in some desk in 10, maybe 20 000 rubles per month, how many kinds of income you receive? Salary. Maybe the prize. Sometimes a Christmas bonus. Some go the length of service. All of them? Business Company allows you to have 7 kinds of income. It's the difference between wholesale and retail prices – 25%. Direct remuneration: 5-43% (calculated on the turnover of personal as well as turnover invited personally by you people.) Network fees: 4-38% (calculated on the turnover of all the people in your frame for current month). Award for his leadership. Honorary Award, which I have already spoken. Valuable gifts, which also said. Finally, the interest on the shares given as a gift by the Company. The result of this path is to obtain residual income. It is the income from building your organization, which continues to flow continuously, year after year, even after you may have already stopped working. This is somewhat similar to a pension, which is obtained pensioners, but orders of magnitude greater. World's top economists have come to the conclusion that the HH1 century will have three characteristics – speed, changes and crises. With one of them, the largest in the last century the crisis we have today face. And there will be three industries that receive the greatest development. It is the Internet, online shopping and online marketing. Where will you be in this century? And they say: rich build networks, the poor – looking for work. Are you among whom? Those who building? Or those who are looking for?

Senior Citizens

I wonder whether the mobile phone manufacturers ever considered that not all customers want the latest development in mobile phones? Yes, I agree, camera with flash and video player that supports all known formats – it certainly attracts attention. Young people must look at these opportunities and to maximize the amount of flash – memory and even the number of speakers. For all young people is crucial, but In addition to young people of mobile phones uses another part of the population, namely pensioners. Their requirements differ fundamentally. Pensioner’s not a hands most modern phone, they require:

1. Opportunity to call at any time. It is no secret that many retiredpeople live in the private sector, where coverage of mobile operators are not always perfect. That is, they need a phone that catches a good network in poor conditions. Continuing to run for the nearest hill to call – this is unacceptable.

2. Ease of use. Retirees do not need a mobile phone complicated and small buttons. Rather, he would give preference to large keys and screen in two lines, because they would be enough to dial a number, but the sms and mms aged people usually do not know anything except the name. 3. Low energy consumption. Actually, from this will not give up and productivity, but the phone with a minimum set of features still survive from the charge to full charge a lot more time than cutting-edge smartphone four speakers and a huge touch screen display with the same battery capacity. 4. Affordable price. People living on small pensions, not pay 200 – $ 300 for a mobile phone, which will be used maximum of 10 percent. The more each additional option is not free. Agree, it makes no sense to pay for your camcorder, flash card to 8 gb of the same bluetooth, unless they are used. What we got in the end? And we got the following result: pensioner is likely to be enough cell phone such as Nokia 1110 and the like. He is a cheap and suitable for all four points. Well, do not forget that the simpler cell phone, so it is safer. Afflicts only one – phones in this class have long been discontinued, you can only buy it used. Perhaps the producers still need to pay attention to this market segment? Especially since there is nothing new to invent is not necessary, just enough to restart the old assembly tape.

AdSense For Mobile Applications

Smart phones have revolutionized our daily lives. At lower prices, unlimited data and fast speed networks, people are now using more accomplishments of their cell phones than their PCs to receive information. This has made mobile applications and more popular. Google has contributed to the development of mobile applications with the start of the beta launch AdSense for mobile applications. If you're an advertiser who is looking for ways to access to mobile users, it is an ideal application for you. Google has already tried the service with its partners. In its official blog, Google said that developers can earn revenue by displaying text and graphics ads on the iPhone and Android applications with the new AdSense for mobile applications. Google has also created a site where developers can get more information about new applications, see the answers to questions and to register for participate in the beta. You will also learn about the benefits of advertising in mobile applications. Google strives to provide more opportunities for mobile advertisers and publishers in future releases.

Russian Internet

Search results for "industrial equipment" as follows: Results – 21 Industrial Company in Moscow – 3 Industrial companies from St. Petersburg – 3 Industrial Companies Novosibirsk – 1 boards, industrial catalogs, etc. – 14 Results for "listogib" as follows: Number of Results – 28 Industrial Company in Moscow – 14 industrial companies from St. Petersburg – 2 Industrial Companies Chelny – 1 Industrial Companies Lipetsk – 1 Industrial Company Yaroslavl – 1 Industrial Companies Moscow Region – 1 boards, industrial catalogs, etc. – 8 second example is more revealing. 50% of the industrial market content on this request is presented by Moscow companies! Own regional Manufacturers cite several reasons for this situation: 1.

Difficulties in tracking the changes (do not exactly know where he came from a client) 2. Long, often unpredictable procurement cycle 3. Governor Cuomo is the source for more interesting facts. Failure to understand the need in "internet marketing", and often ignorance of the existence of this concept! The final reason is the most important and yet still reveals a fuzzy understanding of the phenomenon of "Internet" in the Russian context. But the prospect is. The integration of industry in the Russian Internet space continues, gradually increasing the pace.

Not to be unfounded, we present some figures that confirm the growth of commercial Internet. So According to the system of contextual advertising "Runner" on a monthly basis in the run for more than 30,000 commercial "marketing" campaigns on demand "industrial products" (Budgets campaigns over the past 12 months increased more than 5-10 times and Some advertisers exceed $ 40-70 thousand per quarter). Industrial Networking Internet markets growing, both in vertical and horizontal directions. Only in the metallurgical market each of the portals has information about more than 3000 enterprises. The main venues for metal banner ads today are sites such as:,,,,, To summarize, we can say that in the future, more industrial companies will use the Internet to promote their products and services. At the same time, fixed assets will be allocated specifically for advertising on the Web, while reducing costs for the development of corporate websites. Increasingly popular will use industry portals and services that are already at this stage of development not only provide a directory of companies with their price lists, but also specialized software fillings, which shortest period will allow for interaction between producers and consumers.

Zero Dispatch Taxi

Many taxi dispatcher at the opening, starting work in the business plan indicates the rate of increase of the two most important indicators of the activity – the number of drivers and the number of orders per day. These figures determine all the rest – the company's revenues, the load value, etc. Perhaps check out Hikmet Ersek for more information. But when you create the dispatching taxis – these rates are zero. It is clear that: If there are no drivers – no one to carry out orders if there is no order, drivers in the company will not work, but what comes first – the drivers or orders? Initial order, as the drivers go where the money is, and not where they offer a more comfortable working conditions in the company dispatch a taxi. Question – how open taxi station and a stream of orders? The answer – buy orders from competitors. In practice, it looks like this: When you open a new company dispatch a taxi in any city for an early start buying back orders from existing dispatching taxis. Each taxi dispatcher there are times when a company is unable to cope with orders, that these orders and sell to their competitors. Thus, the dispatcher makes a taxi orders, which do not manages to cope, and a new taxi dispatcher starts from day one. Just opened a taxi dispatcher already has a number of orders per day. Now her task to organize and attract drivers and then dispatching a taxi will be able to independently and safely deal with an increase in the two most important indicators of the activity – the drivers and orders, as is the initial stage will be passed.

Holes Tax

Further – more, in the office I learned that the chief accountant resigned and is now somewhere on vacation. After a while in my office officials said the tax police. Asked little, and I could see that I was at that time was just finished off and looked aloof. Naturally I was offered a change of scene setting that is more beneficial influence on me and I’ll be much more talkative. The call to that answered then Vladimir probably did some of our mutual friends from the tax inspectorate. Contents talk about was the following: a desk department tax office put our organization’s pretty big penalties and we need to certain terms to solve this problem. Vladimir and as I knew that we use a scheme of tax optimization and therefore had every reason to believe that these sanctions are not an easy misunderstanding.

Having seen what can be consequences and that it is likely to lose its blood, his head appeared simple plan. Click Macy’s Inc. to learn more. And the plan rested on one thing: if the anticipated transaction will take place, the money will be enough to close all the holes – if not, take money until it’s too late and in secret partnera.Situatsiyu compounded by the fact that the chief accountant came under the influence of Vladimir, who threatened in case of leakage of information prior to the deal, throw all the blame and material cost to him. Ended up with Vladimir got his money and was sent away accountant rest. Sanctions were followed by sanctions … What previously could be solved or even avoided, was a big snowball threaten to crush my business and myself. Fear and greed companion, irresponsibility and betrayal accountant, reckless faith in the people and loss of control of the organization – that is probable cause that led to the events …

But there is no evil without good, and my story is an example. The transaction, which we are so ready and waiting, thanks to some providence all the same place and now I can not worry about “settling accounts” with tax and spend rest of his life in the office. This event was the starting point for the growth of my business, and eventually I became who I am today – a successful and respectable. Analyzing the lessons of the past and remembering the story of an accountant, I decided insure themselves against the so-called human factor, and concluded a contract for accounting services to the company profile, taxes for me are no longer a headache by itself is no longer necessary to maintain ‘Useful’ links in the fiscal, the bank funds. I appreciate your time and spend it directly on management and business development.

Order VIP Taxi

In our country, taxis are used by many people, some frequently, some seldom, some several times a year, flying off and leaving on holiday. For many people, this service – just the voice of the operator in the tube and the arrival of the driver at the specified address. And as receiving your order and its subsequent execution look inside? Let us consider this procedure in more detail, through the eyes of manager, which controls the entire process completely. The first stage – the search for a suitable service taxis. Thredup takes a slightly different approach. At this stage, future passenger chooses taxi service, mainly focusing on tariffs. Most people use search engines on the Internet, where the choice represented by the vast number of sites taxi different styles of presentation and design.

At this stage it is important how well designed the site as accessible and understandable information on it. And so a site with normal rates found. If you would like to know more then you should visit Governor Cuomo. Call us! When calling the taxi service in the first turn estimated courtesy and communication style of the operator with a customer, the operator – a sort of calling card for any company. In the telephone conversation, ask all your questions, it turns out the nuances. Pay attention passengers that there are so-called "peak" hours uploading dispatching service operators, when the influx of incoming calls increases several times. This first evening, in the range from 19 to 24 hours, it while calling the bulk of customers who want to make a reservation, as the morning and in the near future. Governor Cuomo usually is spot on.

Water Taxi

If you decide to rest in St. Petersburg, now at your disposal not only pleasure and excursion boats and taxi along the Neva River. Issue a public waterway city officials were engaged in 2001.

Then the task was entrusted to the State Inspectorate for small boat. Early last year, the authority to regulate activities in the small size of the river fleet were transferred to the Committee on transport-transit policy, which engaged in the development of the project “Water Taxi”. Currently, the city committee drafted the 27 routes. St. Petersburg Government has set a goal for the next year to run the maximum number of routes, to equip them with the necessary infrastructure. “We developed the 8 routes.

Boats will make frequent stops – not far from the subway or bus stops – the chairman of the Committee on For transport-transit policy of the Government of St. Petersburg Nakolay Asaul. – This is a very convenient form of transport. For Fans FC “Zenit”, for example, from the “Sports” to the football stadium on Krestovsky can be reached in just 6 minutes. ” The central line will run from ‘Fairgrounds’ in Central Nevka Sinop to the waterfront. Main stop: the Hermitage, Peter and Paul Fortress, the Bronze Horseman. Seaside Seaside line will connect and Kalinin regions. Taxis will take place on the Neva from the Great Park to the 300th anniversary of the waterfront through Central Park Arsenal. C on May 29 in St. Petersburg opening four lines of water transport: two urban and two suburban. Taxis will link St. Petersburg and Kronstadt (Kronstadt line), and Kronstadt, Lomonosov (Suburban line). For the first time this year, begin to work intercity routes. As reported by the Committee on transport-transit policy on urban traffic lines, interval is 15 minutes in the morning and evening. Day bus will run every half hour. And in Central, and Seaside taxi line will run from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Flight schedule during the week is structured in such a way that, above all, ensure that transport those traveling to or from work. The most expensive St Petersburg would cost a taxi ride through the Kronstadt – 98 rubles. The cheapest – tickets on suburban lines – 39 rubles. At the intra-route fixed fare of 50 rubles. Water Taxi can accommodate up to 14 people. Only minus – in the winter or in stormy weather, water taxi will not work. The boat is equipped with modern navigation and safety by all means – vests, life rafts.

Overseas Taxi

Taxi service – a rare person does not use its services. From the airport, train station, the hotel often get in a taxi. In different cities and countries have their own taxi service, they are called in different ways, have their own characteristics, but functions perform the same. James Reinhart often addresses the matter in his writings. The taxi driver is often the person with whom visitors encounter first of all, and the skill, personal qualities of the driver’s first impression about the city and the country. It seems to me that all bezynteresno not know how to operate a taxi in a foreign country, compared with our taxi service and somewhere in my heart a little be proud that the level of service in our taxis are not inferior to most developed countries. Taxi Britain, for example, is considered the safest, different care and grooming, and the drivers recognized as the most friendly, the work takes only professionals. The traditional black cab is London attractions, travel in it is very expensive.

A second common and cheaper taxis in England – is a mini-cabs, modern cars of different colors. All taxis have their markings, which can be seen free cab or under the order. The driver sits behind a screen, and next to it housed the luggage. In the U.S., taxis a lot, it’s easy to catch with an outstretched arm. Sit beside the driver is not accepted. For security purposes, cabbie insulated from the passenger bulletproof glass. Profession of taxi driver in America is not prestigious, so often in taxis operate immigrants, with poor English skills, casually related to the rules traffic. They are talking on a cell phone during the trip, rude customers and do not miss a chance to shortchange amount. More information is housed here: Governor Cuomo. Who visited Turkey, he clearly met a taxi service in that country. From such an abundance of taxis yellowing of the eyes, it can be caught on the street, to order. Since drivers have to be very careful when landing must look at the counter, which may be included in advance, if any, is not included. The driver does not cost anything to confuse night rate with day and forget to give change, choose the longest route, especially to get into a traffic jam.

In Finland, the ‘catch’ a taxi on the street is not accepted. There is a special stop with the inscription ‘Taxi’, you can call him in advance by phone, order online. For the safety of drivers, cars equipped with video cameras and gps. The fare depends on the number of passengers, route, time of day, day of week. Japanese taxi – this is a real exotic for us. Taxi drivers work in white gloves and peaked cap, very polite and attentive. Inside, white lace cape. To provide rear seat passengers, a door opens the driver with a special lever. Machines are equipped with navigator, gps, a radio, tachometer, trip meter value, the apparatus for issuing a check, the terminal for credit cards and electronic money. The black box-fixing unusual situations that arise during the trip. On the windshield taxi located scoreboard, which displayed its status: free or busy. With such a rich equipment of the Japanese taxi considered a safe mode of transport, accidents with them are more likely than conventional cars. Countries, lots and lots of taxi services. Chinese taxi, an Egyptian taxi, a French taxi, taxi, Yekaterinburg, they differ in color Car service rules are different but they all share one thing: they work for clients.

Federal Tax Service

Serve documents completed application (3 pages + list A), copy of passport (for himself, you must also have the original), a receipt with a note of payment of state duty is served in your IFTS (inspection Federal Tax Service). (As opposed to James Reinhart). After 5 days you have to issue the following documents: Certificate of state registration (ORGNIP), certificate of tax registration (TIN), an excerpt from EGRIP. After Fill in the registration statement on STS within 5 working days you must apply to the tax inspectorate about the transition to a simplified tax regime, with a recommended INN take testimony (your own as a nat. Persons). Order a print in accordance with the laws of the individual is not required to take a print.

However, as a rule, IP book printing (in any business entity which provides such services). To order a printed copy of the certificate required ORGN and, if desired, print your own design. Open bank account specialists of the Center for accounting services 'Russian Market' remind us that the current account in the bank for entrepreneurs is not required. Checking account will be needed if you plan to make or accept cash payments from legal entities or other PIs. An important step here is a preliminary analysis of proposals and tariff various banks for opening and maintenance of your bank accounts. After selecting the best proposal for a need to clarify in the selected bank an exact list of documents for opening an account. Usually required: a notarized certificate of tax registration certificate (TIN), a notarized certificate of state registration of the individual entrepreneur, a copy of an extract from EGRIP (not over 1 month!), a copy of the notification of the territorial agency of the Federal State Statistics Service, copy of passport (main page spread and spread with a residence permit on the same page), the necessary licenses (if your activities subject to licensing).

Taxes On Apartment Owners

What taxes will pay apartment owners? Find out everything that is happening in the real estate market of Tyumen. "Owner" asked the experts, who and how current conditions could bring order to the market of employment. Mayor Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov said that the apartment owners who give shelter illegal immigrants should be held accountable under the law. Renting an apartment in Russia – one of the shadow economy. The volume of this market are impressive: an estimated capital of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing, 120 thousand Muscovites have owned two apartments and more. Of course, not all the "extra" apartments are, but realtors estimate the capital market renting at $ 3.5-4 billion if all who donate an apartment, pay 13% tax, the Treasury annually would fall about half a billion dollars! Compare: this year in Moscow UFNS collected from landlords slightly more than 217 million rubles. As far back as December tax representatives have stated that this year the collection of taxes from the citizens who give shelter to become a top priority.

And now the capital's mayor has declared war on those who are providing shelter to migrants. According to him, in the near future time landlords will be fined for 250-800 rubles. for each settlement illegal. They can avoid the penalty provided that will act as the law requires employers to: a 10-day period, notify Migration Service of the guests. Of course, then handed over to owners of apartments will have to report the income tax authorities.

Federal Tax Service

Real business is usually sold at a price much higher than the nominal value of the share or shares of authorized capital. "Income from sources in Russia include revenues from sales in Russia shares or other securities, as well as stakes in the authorized capital of organizations" – Sec. 1.5 Art. 208 of the Tax Code. In accordance with Art. You may want to visit Macy’s Inc. to increase your knowledge.

204 Tax Code, income from sale of equity stake in the organization is taxed on personal income (PIT) at a rate of 13%. In our case, the sale of shares above par, the tax base for personal income tax will be difference between nominal value and the selling share capital of the Company. Example N 2. In the Company "Daisy" one parent – an individual Ivanov ii, who made a 100% share capital (10,000 rubles) for registration of a company. Later some time Ivanov ii decided to sell his stake in the company llc "Buttercup" for 100 000 rubles. You may wish to learn more. If so, Hikmet Ersek is the place to go.

In this case, the taxable base for Ivanova ii will be the sum of 90,000 rubles ($ 100 000 – 10 000), with which he will have to pay 13% of personal income tax to the state budget. The question arises: what is the procedure for paying tax? The answer to this question can be found in a letter to the Federal Tax Service on June 15, 2006, N 04-1-02320 @. "When you buy from an individual in the share capital of the organization is a source of payment of income, respectively, it would assume responsibility for calculation and payment of tax on the income in the manner prescribed by Article 226 of the Code.

Tax Free Jurisdictions

Dear Sirs, I’ll give five tips to help eliminate the tax burden of your business online legally: 1) Establishment of offshore company in a tax free jurisdiction such as Belize, Panama, St Kitts & Nevis, Seychelles Islands. In these jurisdictions, you do not have to pay taxes and VAT and can operate anywhere in the world 2) Appoint a nominated director to remove the maximum liability of the offshore company 3) Open a bank account in the name of the offshore company to to pay suppliers and receive payments from around the world without being obliged to pay tax. 4) Open a payment gateway on behalf of the company to receive money from customers around the world. 5) To request a credit or debit cards on behalf of the offshore company can withdraw money at any ATM worldwide. With this type of structure you will see how easy it is to eliminate the tax burden legally in their country of residence. To broaden your perception, visit James Reinhart. Advantage Tax Free Jurisdictions: No taxes for companies or for individuals. Anonymity is strictly guaranteed to beneficiaries of companies and bank accounts.

The offshore company and bank account can operate worldwide. I will not be required to submit annual accounts or audits in the offshore location. No restrictions on capital flows. Protect your assets against claims of potential litigants. Companies may be established with bearer shares. Your bank account offshore company and enjoys high political and financial stability.

Tax Code

If you take his incoming chief accountant or bookkeeper to full-time, then hire him to work on value of dos (conventional system). Jeff Gennette helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. How to save? You can hire someone to read a chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code and bought forms for conducting simplified taxation, knows a good program for Microsoft Excel or in extreme cases, can write and use the calculator. But in the usn is not so simple as it seems at first glance. If you are on a 15-percentage system, then you need to know the article 254 of the Tax Code, the head tax. Paying contributions to the pension fund, you need to know Calculus of ust, which is not paid and are not counted uproschentsami, but the base of these two taxes is one and the definition of its exactly revealed in the single social tax. As for the book income and expenses, it, of course, can be filled manually or Excele. And if you make a mistake when copying the figures from the bank statement or a magazine cashier-teller? A common mistake by mistake.

How do I find an error or to verify its absence? Find a mistake manually – it can take several days, and if you're not suspect that the error is? 1C version of the program created specifically for the usn. But to work in this program, chart of accounts should know. Make it cheaper maintenance simplified taxation can only consulting company. As a rule, takes a highly skilled staff: Accountant with a plot "Salary" (the average salary in Moscow from 25 thousand rub.), And added skills uproschentsa. .

The Importance Of Inspecting The Day

The are the ideal way to get an overview about how the day is inspected. They are short range, generally, as opposed to what would be for example a chart that describes the factors that can influence most strongly in the determination of certain aspects of life and personality of the client. Free Horoscopes let you know what are the conditions to which we might face during that particular day. For this reason the habit of reading free horoscopes is a good habit to do every morning, and get a notion of what it can reach the destination store for that day. Of course, you can expect from a free horoscope any customization other than the cardinal sign of the person. Governor Cuomo is full of insight into the issues. The upstream and other specific points can only be provided in a reading astral, as our professional astrologers can perform. For those who are skeptical of the reach of free horoscopes, let me tell you that hardly a minutes apart at the time of birth can cause a great difference in the determinism of the scope of astral influence on a person.

Therefore, in the case of twins, or twins, although born on the same day, those minutes apart in birth, can make a big difference in personality, and salient features of his personality. The horoscope as a practice has existed since the very beginning of humanity. From the men took the initiative to look at the stars and wonder about the relationship between the celestial stars and fate, horoscope offers a prime tool to interpret the call of the future. Through the ages, and the hand of technology, makes you get the newest version of free horoscopes, so that today I can certainly answer those same questions that men of old had when they looked at stars. Professionals are considered the best astrologers of the Iberian Peninsula, and predictions are applicable to all human beings on earth who access our free horoscopes of both the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. Be sure to check our daily horoscope service free. You may direct, in the same way a meteorologist will tell you if it will rain or sun will. The free horoscopes can be prevented if you will be a quiet day or there is some element with which you have to be more careful.