
After all, what they are these beings that we know as Brazilian? He is funny as I see and I listen to propagandas enaltecendo the Brazilian as a happy and fighting being, that lives in constant war against ‘ ‘ forces estranhas’ ‘. I see favour when evidencing that still more great part of the Brazilians still beats in the chest and says if to be proud of this country. Idiotic poor persons! Talking with some foreign colleagues, a question was launched: it is truth that vocs veem Brazil as a wild place and without culture? To this question I received a sad affirmation, which is unquestionable. He is obvious that I could elencar some of the great qualities of this people. .mas I would be hypocrisy. I do not feel pride of being Brazilian and if possible I oppose to call myself thus. But why? You are not proud of our beaches, our parties, our beauties? Brazil if summarizes to this? He asks to some citizen (that if he says proud) who was Rui Barbosa or same Getlio Vargas.Pergunte to the honored citizen if some time in the life it heard to speak of the 18 of the Fort of Copacabana or exactly of Luis Carlos You give. Part Brazilian it to sing its proper national hymn.

still .ou asks what it knows on the imperial period. It is I exaggerate to demand such things (basic) of a person? Certainly the opponents, and also most ignorant, simply will accuse to me to try to denigrate the image of Brazil. Fools! At least they know that Brazil already has one of the worse images of the world-wide scene and if it was not for the good soccer (obliged Skin), at least we would be seen. But the Brazilian still believes that a revolution or a hero will go to solve all the problems of the country and will go to give a house, a new car and ‘ ‘ a thousand Reals in bar of gold, that valley more than what dinheiro’ ‘. As I can me be proud in pertencere to the one mentally ill people whom at least it remembers in which candidate voted in the last elections, but that, not obstante, it blames the government for the possible disasters that can occur, also to the tragedies of the nature or when houses, that had been constructed in forbidden place, come below with the mud. To be proud as me of one people who does not see the seriousness of the situations, that if risks only for malandragem? To be proud how me of a people who at least knows the importance of the positions politicians and thinks that the same one is something that cannot be argued? Many are proud of our democracy and our electoral system ‘ ‘ invejvel’ ‘. Tragic conception! It will be that they had not given account that in a democracy we have the freedom to vote or not? Worse that this. .e if the vote was facultative? Perhaps only one minority would go to decide for the routes of the country. But this already does not happen?

Against Even

Avtovinil – 'For' and 'Against' When someone is looking at my car pasted says – 'Do not Like it all … fly away in winter or in the sink … and in general it is not pretty and I do not like ', etc. Personally, I interpret these words as mere envy. Because in Today avtovinil as commodity group has a huge range and can meet any taste preference – if you do not like the mat, the palette of the films have several thousands of glossy colors, if you like traditional metallics, be kind – some manufacturers have even ulrametallikov palette, so there are texture, relief, mirror and not the film, in general, everyone can find something for yourself, I Not to mention that avtovinil suitable for printing, but it's quite a huge space for individual choice and expression. Now posravnivaem little avtovinil and traditional automotive paint. The base coat of paint and gland itself or plastic body parts to protect automotive paint, its thickness is on average 20 microns (on most machines), the film thickness, typically 100 microns, there are films and 200 microns or even 300, while the thin films, suitable for pasting Auto – 30 micron, so we can see that even the most subtle avtovinil superior automotive paint thickness, and hence on the protective properties. Of course, opponents may argue – there are ceramic coatings, which are difficult to scratch even a nail – do not argue, only cover the cost of such a car would be painted at least 100 thousand rubles.

VOI Is Committed

The VOI Association for organization and information systems has established competence center output management. Bonn. This has mainly used aimed, to assist suppliers and users in this sector and to promote communication among themselves. In addition to work on a stronger profiling of this market segment. As the head of the new competence center output management was Dr. Werner Broermann and elected as Deputy Uwe Seltmann and Christoph Schafer. Nearly 20 company representatives met at the meeting constituting held a few days ago. Four participants come from companies that have recently joined the VOI.

The high number of founding participants demonstrated the great interest in the topic output management, which was neglected by the VOI previously only on the edge”, so Dr. Werner Broermann. Our goal is, to position the subject in the market with a comprehensive action plan presenter and to promote dialogue between users and suppliers.” Within the session quickly became apparent that the Participants a stronger profiling of this area of IT is important. So, the term output management is understood very differently, delineated, and communicates. Terms are inconsistently used and interpreted different market requirements. This would lead so the participants due to the complexity of the subject to problems in the presentation and positioning at the party and give rise to misunderstandings in the talks with the users. Accordingly, the profile of the industry at trade fairs and other events is low, so that the party lacks the appropriate framework, to present their products and to contact the user in an appropriate manner in contact. For this reason, the output-management competence center plans steps with which this situation for users and providers can be equally improved.

For a more intense include among other things the Organization and implementation of events (workshops, exhibitions and lectures), the publishing of publications (case studies and studies), as well as measures The providers communicate with each other as well as with the users. Accompanying this, checklists, recommendations and decision support should be developed and made available for users. To take advantage of synergy effects, the competence center output management user interface issues with other working groups and competence centers (such as standards, compliance issues, post processing etc.) within the VOI will coordinate closely. The VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme E.v.. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. with headquarters in Bonn represents the vast majority of providers for ECM Enterprise content – and DMS document management systems in Germany.

Theben AG Catalogue And Price List To The Trade Fair “Light + Building”

Theben AG presents itself with new Web page, catalogue and price list to the trade fair “Light + Building” Lindau, just-in-time. According to the motto “search was yesterday today is found” the Theben AG re-launches its new website and published the current catalogue in print form at the same time. True to the maxim of Thebes infolox familiar “Print and online communications in one hand and a cast” this from the beginning on the competence and experience of infolox GmbH. With the new site much becomes easier for customers and prospective customers of Theben AG. The products a clear structure is divided into five categories: time, light, climate, systems and accessories product finder guide users with just a few clicks to the right product for the desired application in the document basket, users can drop several documents and easily with one click customers and prospective customers download the sophisticated search function presents quickly the desired search result and it is divided into meaningful facets for each product, the user receives a data sheet, which on the fly”is generated. A backlink is the user at any time directly on the product detail page in the Portal product images, drawings and wiring diagrams are not mouse click can grow only the Theben AG website is new also the complete catalogue in print form 2010/11 was completely redesigned by infolox. According to surveys and workshops with the experts of Thebes, this designed specifically according to the needs and desires of customers and partners.

For example, he tabulated shows the main features of all models of a product family at a glance. So, users quickly find the right product. Catalog and Internet are closely interrelated, even shorter and easier to make the path to the desired information to users. He enters the desired article number / product, for example, under, datasheet, manual, wiring diagram, and much more on a click provided him.

Diabetes Risk Halved

New research: diabetes risk much vitamin D cut in half the known spectrum of vitamin D is more extensive. It is already long rather than the protective bone effect in the foreground. In recent years more and more effects of vitamin D are known, which can impact positively on the health and life of the people. These include protection against cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Now, a large study was published, which shows that people with adequate vitamin D supply half as often diabetes mellitus fall ill with diabetes as people who are supplied with vitamin D insufficient.

Are these results for health-conscious people of relevance? Against the background of the current supply situation with vitamin D in Germany are the results of the highest relevance. According to the surveys of the German consumption study, 9 out of 10 adults with 6 out of 10 with calcium and vitamin D are deficient? The level of supply is significant to the part and is on average 50% below the aspiring to Target values. This can lead to severe health risks and is a normal diet no longer to compensate, especially occurring fat-soluble vitamin D only in some few foods (E.g. some fish) in sufficient quantity. To stimulate the body’s vitamin D production increased exposure to the Sun or also not really good alternative is to go to the solarium in the light of the increased risk of skin cancer. In Germany, not as in the United States some staple foods with vitamin D supplemented, it stays just the way to swallow vitamin D tablets according to many experts. Since the whole spectrum of vitamin D can be exploited to effect only in conjunction with calcium, these two vital substances should be eaten together in a single tablet.

Navitum Pharma offers a product for the health-conscious people with OsteoVitum, which contains per day according to the recommendations for the preventive administration of 400IE Vitamin D3 and calcium 1000 mg. Modern research shows that vitamin D (plus calcium) as in OsteoVitum not only good for the bone structure but also but also the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease and certain cancer can significantly reduce. It has a direct impact on the life expectancy of women and men from middle age. On the day, the body with the important components of life is supplied with 2 tablets. The tablets have a Groove of Division of, so that they can be consumed more easily. 24.90 cost a month protect against age-related deficiencies and errors. OsteoVitum (PZN 0765820) at pharmacies or directly at Navitum Pharma can be ordered free shipping. Cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 5858041) and 6 months (PZN5858035) by OsteoVitum are in the trade. Should a pharmacy look unable, to order OsteoVitum, for the customer so the customer directly by phone at the company can do this.

Spacetec Pens – The Advertising With Potential

Successfully through promotional, advertising and giveaways if you have designed a new product or a new brand with your company, you are probably as quickly as possible they want to publish on the market, and want to initially plan an extremely successful advertising campaign for this purpose. This is certainly the right move to make the success of a new product, you need, however you should consider a number of aspects in order to actually reach this goal. The selection of funds with which it adorns the campaign plays such a big role, because these agents have a large impact on potential customers and clients. Therefore a giveaway like the Spacetec pens is a brilliant idea to enhance the effect of the advertising campaign. These pins are special pens, which were produced by a brand company, and are very high quality. Therefore they can be used particularly well in an advertising campaign, for example aimed to large events and events such as trade fairs or similar presence to show.

Such events are usually several hundred or thousand people who can inspire you all very easy for your products. At a trade fair you will find usually only people, who are also interested in the products and brand of your company, and therefore it is the perfect opportunity to exploit the potential of the Spacetec pens. The relatively low production costs, you can easily obtain these pens in larger quantities from the manufacturers, and insert the pins suited as items. In addition, many providers offered generous discounts on large orders so you can save here too additionally. Only when planning, make sure that you select the correct provider.

Another important point is that you pay attention also to the design of the freebies, that one drawback of the pins is that they have only a relatively small ad space, and here so just consider, how to use the area. The pins to compensate for this problem, but also by the fact that they exhibit a very high visibility. The Spacetec pens offer a special, practical benefit, namely the potential customers and clients because you can always very often use a ballpoint pen, and this is especially true if you are at a trade show. This means that the recipients of the gifts will often see these pins, and are thus also often see the advertising message on the PIN. An additional benefit of the use as a stray article is the quality of the pins, because stray articles, most people expect that they are not very high quality, and quickly break down. It is different at these pins, because they are very high quality, and that will surprise the potential customers. The Spacetec will show your potential customers ballpoint pen, that is your company for quality and good ideas, and therefore those customers in the next buying decision be sure Choose your products and brands. If you want to achieve a good result when planning your marketing campaign, then use make sure these giveaways. You will be amazed how easy it is to achieve a good effect on the potential customers this way.

Burglary: Cylinder Lock Is Usually Compulsory

Household insurance may refuse the service damage incurred during a burglary should – reimbursed generally by the own contents insurance if you graduated from a home insurance. However, it is important for the performance obligation of the insurer that the burglar is forcibly penetrated into the apartment. Open Windows or doors could rely on grossly negligent behavior of insurers and deny the power. The same applies to fast completely frozen by locks. In a ruling of the Landgericht Essen (AZ. 15s 297/08) showed that home insurance is not paid after a slump, because in this case the lock of the garage door was floundering and the burglar could open the gate just by a simple jolt. The completely dilapidated Castle of garage door left open by the burglars almost without using force, so that the Court went out by a negligent behavior and so that law gave the insurance, therefore wanted to do that. Usually enough as precautionary measure from the entrance doors to the apartment have a not screw outside cylinder lock with safety fittings, which is common in Germany.

In case of doubt – about case of older locks – should be contacted with the lessor as well as with the insurer, so that does not occur in case of a break-in to a denial of service of household insurance. Usually, it is better and safer, especially, old palaces to be replaced by a cylinder lock. More information about the household insurance together with the possibility of an immediate calculation of different tariff variants can be found on the website hausrat.young insurance.de. Contact: Bergische Assekuranz broker Lise-Meitner-Strasse 5-9, 42119 Wuppertal Tel: 0202-317 13 155 fax: 0202-317 13 165 contact person for the press: Bogdan Kalid image source: kallejipp / photocase.com company Bergische insurance broker was founded by the diploma economists Bogdan Kellinger and Karsten Werksnies as an independent insurance broker. With the company specializes specifically the Internet presence of young Insurance.de the needs of private individuals and professionals, who would want no advice-bound insurance representatives an individual insurance company, but based on independent comparison calculations to get low-cost and high-performance offerings of from various companies. Bergische insurance broker has connections to more than 100 different insurance companies.

There are special rates available for various professional groups such as students, trainees, graduates, or certain traders. In addition, all other age and occupational groups will advise comprehensive, fair, independent and competent. Since 1998 in the insurance industry are active customers via the Internet, by telephone and by post served – when preparing offers, as well as in the event of a claim. The strength of the Bergische insurance brokers is characterized by a very high market coverage, highly trained Employees and offers tailored to specific audiences out. With an individual analysis and the use of cutting-edge financial comparison software, customers are advised objectively and independently.

Current Interest Rates For Lease 2010

Experts expect 2010 with rising interest the development of the lease is very important for all developers, especially when it comes to long-term loans and pending a more funding in the future. When looking more closely at interest rate developments of the last five years, then you can see 2007/2008 a more or less sharply rising interest rate curve in the year. But then, with the onset of the financial crisis, the interest rate of the European Central Bank has been steadily reduced, and thus ultimately building interest rates fell. Call in recent months, the lease has fallen steadily and are currently at a level, which many experts considered historically low”. The historical low in the development of the lease can be explained very simply from the fact that the economic situation not only in Germany, but also in almost all European countries was very promising in the years between 2005 and 2008. They had brought the last financial crisis, and eventually also the crisis of the so-called new market behind and as the economy again had recovered, the European Central Bank (ECB) interest rates decided slightly and raise the piece by piece. At the time as the interest rates again on the way up were, it came to the real estate and financial crisis of 2008/2009, and it was again triggered a severe recession. Now it had quickly acted and did the European Central Bank.

She further lowered interest rates and which showed successes, because the entire economy attracted to the fourth quarter of 2009 again very clearly. However, one can assume that the European Central Bank 2010 again will change its interest rate policy with security, which depends also on the respective economic situation. Experts and market observers expect there to increase the key interest rates in the near future, and in this context there will be then again higher lease. Construction financing customers should leave but due to fluctuations do not worry. If also the interest for the construction financing are low at the moment, you can with a real mix of different Maturity benefit is still of very cheap, short interest commitments. Financing there are useful tips to the new building. Adam Botschek

Progress Areas

You will need a small hand-washing brush, sponge or two, some detail brushes to get into some cracks, a good degreaser safe paint, one paint is diluted to be sure, some engines to dress for hoses and surrounding areas that can be dressed. You will also need some plastic bags or plastic wrap and rubber bands great great (how to make a car engine under the hood) to cover the distributor or any other sensitive electrical. Do not use foil to cover the parts. Soap areas near the degreaser case is diverted to areas of painted surfaces or aluminum heads which can cause discoloration. Also, before you begin to realize that the bilge pump of the boat could go. Once you reach a certain level, a float switch will send the water flowing to the outside of the boat is usually raised to just below the rub rail. So you may want a bucket platform on the outside of the boat to catch anything that might spill out you can not catch.

Periodically, you will have to stop the progress of work to pump out with your shop vac. Especially in cases where you are working on water, the fines can be strong and do not want to pollute the water with oil, fat will be produced when cleaning a bilge. Use the minimum amount of water needed and you minimize the problems associated with cleaning the engine room and bilges on these boats. Set your pressure washer 1200-2000 PSI and 180 degrees and work in short bursts and accurate as possible, if you have no dirt to use, but if you can rent one that is a better idea.

The Period

that is, it would require less than 5 years breaking even the costs of a no cost loan and a zero point loan. In this scenario, no closing costs loan is a better option. Let’s compare two other cases. Option A – cost loan, interest rate no. of 6.25%, and monthly payment of $1,847 option C -, One point rate loan, interest of 5.75%, and monthly payment of $1,751 total non-recurring closing costs (including point) – $5,800 the difference in monthly payments would be $ 96. dividing it into the $5,800 closing costs the period to re-coup turns out to be 5.01 years.

Even in this case, for individual intending to own the property for few years, no cost loan makes more sense. Pro & cons for no. cost refinance the main benefits of availing a no cost refinance is that it could save thousands of dollars in some situations. Depending on the number of years that you are going to avail your loan for, possibly, you might be able to find good deal when availing this type of plan. It all depends on the economy and what you are being presented, though, if you’re able to come up with a unique way to refinance which are more gainful to you, then you should always get it about author: mortgage refinancing closing costs is one of the best ways to refinance your mortgage. Why pay thousands of dollars in closing cost if you do not have to? Lender or broker wants to pay settlement costs.

Hamburg Tel HMI

HMI: Academy teaches on the subject of mood management Hamburg in November 2009: good mood enhances creativity, makes active and powerful. Therefore, the HMI Academy focused in their continuing education offer for the top leadership of the HMI, the excellence program, now in Berlin with the topic of mood management. Mood management is an important management tool. The executives of the HMI dealt with the diverse facets of mood-making”. This ranges from the political sensitivities about happiness to the influence of physical pleasures. Examined under what conditions can change moods both at the individual and the Group and influence each other. But also demographic, philosophical and cultural issues have been treated extensively by HMI. So the executives of the HMI gained new impetus, with the moods within the society, but also within the team and the individual / individual to set apart and they in Success cars to direct economically as personally.

Moods are the actual driver decisions? Investing in knowledge is still the greatest success. This is true not only for new entrants but also for top executives such as general representative or HMI entrepreneur of level 6. The HMI Academy for each management level therefore offers exactly the right management program. The excellence program is open to the highest levels of leadership at HMI. This program, Gallen, developed in collaboration with the St. Management Scholl goes far beyond classical training: top-class speakers imagine new trends and thinking, that significantly affect the economy.

In Berlin which were Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung for example the journalist Wolfgang Herles, Professor of sociology, cultural scientist and author Professor Dr. Peter Gross, the neuro-economist and market researcher Professor Dr. Peter Kenning, and co-editor of the”, Dr. Frank Schirrmacher. The HMI has with this Forum once more their openness and modernity demonstrated. Mood-making”is an important factor to reach people customers like employees at individual and social level, including atmosphere, emotion and values. Because if, as at the HMI, the handling of employees with each other, that affects positive customer relationships. About the HMI, the HMI established itself as a sales organization of the Hamburg Mannheimer in the growing age pensions market. While the HMI benefits from the close partnership, the security and size of Hamburg-Mannheimer and throughout the ERGO Insurance Group. This means: top reviews and outstanding financial strength, high brand strength and across an effective, functioning infrastructure that makes the way free for success. About the Hamburg-Mannheimer, the Hamburg-Mannheimer is one of the leading brands in the German life and accident insurance. For about a century, customers place their trust in the brand of Hamburg-Mannheimer. Their more than five Millions of customers will receive long-term security and individual solutions to the pension and asset formation. In addition to the claims and legal expenses insurance the Hamburg-Mannheimer also has special expertise in securing sporting events, as well as by professional athletes, and is a partner of the German Handball Federation. 2008 it achieved premium income amounting to more than 3.5 billion euro. The Hamburg-Mannheimer belongs to the ERGO Insurance Group and Munich Re, one of the world’s leading reinsurers and risk carriers.

India Despite The Crisis

Why it makes sense to today to invest in India, the crisis has Germany firmly in the grip. Horror stories running over the ticker of news channels and mechanical engineering is expecting a wave of bankruptcy. \”Because it seems only natural that man currently more important\” things has to do, than to deal with new sales regions. One is occupied with itself, has sales slump at home and abroad, must survive even once liquidity in terms of the next few months and igelt up a little. Maybe you want to look also once, what you do others, before himself moving. And so India is not quite sure in the foreground of the activities.

While there are good reasons why it makes might right now, amid the economic crisis, great sense strategically to deal with one of the future key markets of the world: while Germany fully was hit by the recession, slowed to even in India the economic growth – but only slowed. After In the years 2007 and 2008 of approximately 9% international analysts for the years 2009 and 2010 for India is still a growth rate of 7% or 6% expected growth. \”This means: even in the media as the worst since the second world war\” titled crisis, India is one of the few countries that can still exhibit a significant economic growth. Why is this so? It’s simple: Is big enough and the Indian economy so that not so much by the export depending on the Indian market. Like the consumption in the United States still so strong be burglarized, the domestic market continues to be so great potential, that Indian companies on the domestic market focus; for example, While the automotive industry worldwide collapsed, Indian manufacturers recorded continue to whopping increases. That was also the reason why VW was prepared to invest around EUR 500 million in an Indian factory even during the crisis.

Environmental Education

Learning that the environment more simply is not seemed the nature or the natural resources. The AMBIENT EDUCATION By the way, everything makes to believe that in this region it will have one total necessity to the Sustainable Tourism, that is a model of economic development that has as objective main to assure the quality of life of the local population. In providing the satisfaction to the tourist and keeping the quality of the environment on which they depend the community in such a way as the visitor. In simplified way, we can define sustainable tourism as that one that takes care of to the desires and necessities of the economic growth, in the social fairness and the ecological balance of the tourists of the present time, without compromising the resources for the fruition of the future generations in search of a bigger contact with the nature. According to Cavalcanti, for a support in different perspectives, it affirms that. The strong support, in turn, is interested for the maintenance of the supply of the natural resources under the argument of that these resources are indispensable the continuity of the economic activity, and they supply the basic ingredient of which the added value can be created. If the supplies of the environmental resources will be emptied, the economic activity finally will decay.

(CAVALCANTI, 1999.p.197) Of this form, the Ambient Education comes acquiring new dimensions to each year, especially for the urgency of reversion of the map of ambient deterioration where if it lives, materialize practical of development supported and better quality of life for all and selecting principles of programs that guide our affinity with the natural way. In the words of loureiro it affirms that. The Ambient Education is prxis educative and social that have for purpose the construction of values, concepts, abilities and attitudes that make possible the agreement of the life reality and the discerning and responsible performance of individual and collective social actors in environment.

Used Clothing Market

Make sense when we are on the wrong road? In Europe is not surprising to see in major cities and even in provinces, such as one day a week sellers lacalle with jobs where they offer lot of used clothes and where the buyers a large number are presented to buy the product that are offered at prices bajisimos. In Italy for example, I found very mercadito many operating one or two days a week in certain areas where presents a significant number of sellers with a lot of clothes, which are purchased easily between 1, 2,3,5, 10 Euros, by a number of consumers gra. The truth, as soitu.es says, the so-called developed world discarded after year thousands and thousands of tons of all kinds of products, including clothes, but do we know where he’s going this clothes that we don’t want?. It points out, that in Germany, are collected each year about 600 thousand tons which tend to be donated to charity institutions, although many of these garments are pure rags. This clothing It is recycled and transformed into new fibres, something that makes a company located in Hamburg, which has acquired the rights for the use of the garments given to charity by a certain price per kilo. Used knits are usually recycled in Prato, Tuscany known for its textile production industry city, where the process of converting discarded fabrics and old clothes from different parts of the world, in new clothes, has a long tradition in these lands. However, the export of wool used is only a small part of the business. At a factory in recycling of textiles in Germany, 33 tons of second-hand clothes pass every day through the sorting plant and only if half of this clothing is to be exported, the operation is commercially profitable. Between five and ten percent, depending on the origin and the quality of the selected garments, going predominantly to Europe from the East, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

PageRank Site

1. PageRank is one of numerous methods Google uses to determine the relevance and importance of pages. 2. Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote in favor of A B, of course take into account not only the number of votes, but and the quality of the voting pages. 3. PageRank is based on the number of incoming links, but not only on him, the relevance and quality are important too.

4. pr (A) = (a-d) + d (PR (t1) / C (t1) + + pr (tn) / C (tn)). 5. Not all links are equally influenced by PageRank. 6. If a page with PR8 there is only one link, then site to which it refers will receive the entire pr that she can pass, if the links 100 that each link will carry only part of the pr. 7.

Bad incoming links will not affect the pr. 8. In the pr is taken into account the lifetime of the site, relevancy of incoming links and the time of their existence. 9. When calculating the pr content is not taken into account. 10. pr is not calculated for the whole site, and for each page individually. 11. Important part of each link, except for references to


He planted seeds and waited for it to give its fruit. And it was thus harvesting seeds that his father had so lovingly given him before leaving his pilgrimage. His brothers, meanwhile, laughed at him and thought It was an effort in vain. His father had only asked them to return him that had given them. They were also wealthy and did not need to work. His father’s advice had been very clear. He would leave his inheritance to whom better protect the seeds. After three years, when the father returned, the first son opened his safe deposit box.

All dead seeds were clearly, stank, and the father said to him: what! Are these seeds that I gave you? You had the possibility to make them grow and germinate, and now they are rotten. These are not my seed!. It was then when the second son went to the market to buy new seeds. He returned to the House and ran to his father. The father said: these are not seeds that I gave you. Your idea is a little better than your brother; However, you do not have the qualities that I wanted for my successor. Your behavior is that of a greedy calculator. The King approached her last child with great hope and fear.

And you, son, what have you do with the seeds which you ordered?. The third son asked his father to accompany him to see the fields that had been planted year after year since its start. And said to him: father, the seeds have given me are in these fields. When you pick up the harvest I will return you them. These fields have expanded your fortune and have served to feed your employees. Peasants who had no work have done the work, and have thus been able to protect their families. I thought that it was wiser to sow to save some seeds until you come back. And the father replied: you are my heir. This is how we should act all with seeds that life offers us, as well as the knowledge that shared it will always bear many more fruit.

Peruvian Cuisine Satisfies

The kitchen in the Peru is almost a symbol of identity of Peru as are the Andes mountains or the Machu Picchu – Peruvian food is finding its place in dishes from around the world From the vigorous ceviche to the succulent chicken to the grill, as well as the merger of the Peruvian cuisine (chifa) China until the Aji de gallina, stew of chicken with a spicy sauce to cheese base, Peruvian cuisine is leaving satisfied the appetite of Americans and Europeans. The gourmet boom has been promoted by some figures and some coincidences that have made that Peruvian food becomes something remarkable, said Raul Vargas, a Peruvian food gastronomic and conductor of the radio program La Divina food critic. In general, globalization of taste and gastronomic snobbery occur, today more people available that pleasure to seek and find different food. And there you have entered to carve our food. But, what is what makes particular to Peruvian food? Our kitchen in its base in its essence – it is great poverty, as well as being an act of family community management, said Vargas. And as increased wealth in the country, has given rise to the start of the sophistication of the food.

The Peruvian cuisine has reflected the evolution of the country as an industrial power. Our diversity in potatoes has allowed us to play with dishes with where you submit 20 varieties of potatoes and, obviously, each must have his seasoning in particular and different cheese and on top of that, chili, eat for survival sauce returned us skilled chefs. That’s the basic idea. Peruvian cuisine is not limited only to the Incan roots. It is fused with the Chinese, Italian, Japanese and Afro-Peruvian cuisine with its basic ingredients to create tasty dishes that stand out in the international food market. Today, only to think of fish and seafood, an explosion occurs multicultural, because our food has Italian, Japanese more touch Peruvian this has given us an extraordinary cuisine. Raul Vargas refers to rich in rice and seafood dishes, including ceviche, a dish consisting of raw fish with citrus juice and sprinkled pepper.

Also is the chifa Ti Pa Kay boiled chicken in spicy tomato sauce and Peruvian spices Chi Jau Kay chicken or pork covered in Oyster ychaufa sauce, a mixture of fried rice, meat, green onions seasoned with Peruvian spices. And of course, the most popular rotisserie chicken with French fries, a basic dish in many restaurants peru. The Peruvian has no prejudices in relation to any food, where it comes. You have an innate curiosity to try something new, different kitchens. The difference is that as soon as you do, you’re already thinking how merge it, copy it and adapt it to your taste. The key to the popularity of Peruvian cuisine is its ability to merge with food from other countries.

The Mercy

There is no place for the difference. Understand love as dependence and the merger is affectionately hung from the relationship so that it meets our whole life. No matter what I do the couple, the most important thing is that I love, and am thus able to tolerate situations of abuse, humiliation, indifference and neglect. Relationships full of a very immature love that lead us to flatten the life over and over again. We depend on the couple to be happy, not to be happy, to be with mood or to fall into a deep depression. We are at the mercy in our emotional life of what is happening with our partner.

Like leaves in the wind we abandon or return our motivation in life according to our affective climate. Both in possession as in the dependency we are full of pain and suffering, therefore, we are obliged to do a personal review of ours, Yes is that in the future we do not want to live in a condition of this nature. Yes for you the life partner, is very important and is located with a high degree of despair and impotence perhaps, needs to review their forms of love and relate with your partner. Love is not nor her thanks for reading me, my mission is the quality of emotional life. I would love that I write and know your opinion. But yes you’re in love you and suffer, surely, you need to rethink your personal life and your way of engaging your partner relationships.

Cecreto is a space dedicated to the quality of emotional vid. It has electronic material that you recover confidence in love, but above all, love yourself. Subscribe to the newsletter and receive free: the ten commandments of life with your partner how to recover trust in love, wounds and scars on the couple relationship.

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The tubes are attached to the hull by using boltrope-and-groove making them removable and therefore easy to maintain, repair and replace. However, RIB has its disadvantages too. One glaring disadvantage is that a RIB cannot be easily deflated and stored like a regular inflatable sport boat. Deflating the tubes on a RIB does not really save you space because the hard bottom does not fold or deflate. Most manufacturers even suggest that it is better to stow to RIB with its inflated tubes. Again, you cannot store a RIB just haphazardly as you need to take care that the inflated tubes are not scratched or scraped. You can t just choose to store to RIB like a regular rigid boat and expect it to last for more than a year or two.

Another cause for concern is its price. A smallish RIB is priced from $2000 to $5000. To 40-footer HBI is pegged near $100,000. The outboard motor is not included but a foot-pump is! RIB jet boat is a recent innovation. This type of RIB have inboard power and is a merging of a jet ski and an inflatable. It has the stability of to hard-bottom inflatable and the popular features of jet ski seat, handle-bar for steering and the propulsion power of a jet ski. This type of RIB is commonly a merger of two companies to personal watercraft manufacturer like Kawasaki and an inflatable boat manufacturer like Avon.

There are inflatable boats manufacturers who have basically have the same thing going with their RIBs by jet-drive engine. This type of boat come in varied sizes and horsepower and has the traditional side-by-side seating and wheel-steering. This type of RIB jets closely resembles jet river boats instead of personal watercrafts. They are safe to operate and run fast in shallow water. The inboard inflatable is slowly but surely making its mark in the boat market. For more information about rigid inflatable boats RIBs visit: Wood floors. Vs regenerated. Wood from ancient forests.

23 Prayer

Jesus said: but you, when you pray, go to your room, and closed the door, pray to thy father which is in secret (Mt. 6: 6). This statement is very important for the correct sentence. It is true that a sentence can arise out of a sincere desire of the heart and mean that in the corner of the busiest street in the city centre. But Jesus wished we knew the importance of take a few moments to move away, being alone somewhere and close the door of the mind to all the distractions of the world.

It is then that we can quiet our minds, closing the door of negative thoughts and be immersed in the spirit. Your father who sees in secret will reward you in public (Mt. 6: 6). Here it clearly states that prayer brings results when we become aware of the spirit who dwells in us. In doing so, we receive inspiration, guide, strength and vision that are necessary for shaping our lives according to the father’s plan again. Use not vain repetitions, as the Gentiles (M. 6: 7).

Jesus taught diligence in prayer, which we should pray quite often to make a change in consciousness. While step Jesus in prayer in the desert, his visit to Gethsemane to pray and his parable of the man to whom a request was granted at midnight because of its persistence in asking, everything indicates the fact that Jesus knew that God is ready and willing to give, but we must continue praying to the point of being ready and eager to to receive. However, we cannot just speak empty words, because words must be accompanied by the feeling and backed by faith. It is good to repeat statements, but they should be repeated with concentration, and as we do so, we must direct all the strength of our desires to the meaning of the spoken words then comes the wonderful promise that should give us the necessary security: your father knows of what you need, before you ask it (6.8 m) Jesus spoke of a great principle of truth here because I explained that our prayers do not create greater good, and we do not think more of God. In addition, we try not to change your mind. The true nature of God is everything that is good, because God is peace, love, strength, power, substance and compression. All this exists already and is present everywhere. Therefore, the answer to every need is already provided-perhaps ask: if it is true that all our desires are provided, why we must pray?, we must pray because it is due to our prayers that we change our consciousness. We set the negative of any appearance of lack or need. True prayer raises our vision to the divine level and enables us to visualize how the conditions can be when we are in perfect harmony with God.(continue) Silent Unity Autor original source and source of the article