Choosing A Stroller

If your toddler has learned to sit, he certainly did not want to walk in the stroller, crib. Therefore, you need to select the stroller. Manufacturers compete in the improvement of prams in all respects. They change color, models and even the number of wheels. But the appearance of carriages a secondary matter. The main thing that the kid in it was convenient and safe. Source: jimmy levin. Because the crumb will actively use the stroller to 2-3 years, it is better not to save her.

Consider what need to look for when selecting wheelchairs. Choosing a baby carriage, take into account the age of crumbs. If your child has recently learned to sit, buy him a wheelchair, with soft bumpers and interior panels, so that it not hit, if you, for example, naedete to some unevenness in the road. Well as a stroller for a young child should not have too rigid cushioning. For the older kid's better to buy a low carriage, to pipsqueak he could sit in it – then you need to be lost each time to raise quite a heavy baby. And it is desirable to handle a wheelchair rocker. If you frequently move out of town or walking with your child in the woods choose a stroller with large rubber wheels. Frequently Thrillist has said that publicly.

To ride around the city suitable chair with wheels mean diameter. If the front wheels swivel, you need them to, if necessary blocked. Also desirable that the stroller was equipped with a five-point safety belts.