City Of Munich Supports The 10th Forum Of ICT SMEs Of The COC

Event on October 25, 2012 in Munich under the motto ‘in the future’ for the 10th time the ICT Forum organized jointly with various partners on October 25, 2012 middle class of IT solution providers COC AG. The motto in the future”following the established event provides a platform for strategic impulses and professional exchange of ideas the participants. The ICT Forum, which like last year around 100 executives are expected, by renowned speakers is characterized in terms of content. The CIO of the Bavarian radio and the Apollo include optics, in addition, the technology expert Prof. Dr.

Dr. Franz Radermacher will speak of the University of Ulm. Like I have the patronage for the 10 ICT Forum taken over medium-sized businesses. Because the middle class is one of the most important industries a key pillar of the Munich economy, information and communication,”explained Dieter Reiter, consultant for employment and the economy of the city of Munich, the commitment to this event. If the Business location Munich was less affected by the economic downturn in recent years, the upswing but formerly could benefit from than other regions, this was due to two main factors. For one, the attractiveness of Munich is supported by several industries.

In addition to the ICT companies to whom addressed this forum in the first place, mechanical engineering, science and research, financial and business services are other examples. Secondly, companies of all sizes, from the group up to the local niche provider working in these industries. Medium-sized companies plays an important role in this portfolio. You are flexible and innovative new challenges and thus provide significant impetus for economic development and the competitiveness of Munich.” In the interest of a substantive concentration and to take account of the often narrow temporal possibilities of the participants, the ICT Forum begins only at noon. Prof. Radermacher will make the start and a presentation on the subject of evolution of technology “and innovation survive companies in the future?” keep. In the following presentation of the CIO at Apollo deals optics, Erich Ehbauer, service management in SMEs as a key challenge of the future. Josef Spitzlberger, CIO of the Bayerischer Rundfunk, will speak about the service-oriented IT architecture for the networking of systems of a media company finally together with his practical experience. Co-organizer of the 10th Forum of ICT SMEs are the GEDAG COC AG, pol solutions and marketing XL. The Plantronics, mabunta and akm software and consulting companies to the sponsors and exhibitors of the event. More information about the program and electronic registration under.