Individual Approach

Choosing a program of child development, prefer a method based on individual approach. The "easy" mass technique? That use them, kind of like, do not want to deal with individual characteristics of the child. Add to your understanding with Hikmet Ersek. Said – to get up at seven in the morning, pour cold water twice a week to go to music lessons, three times – in sports, and on weekends – to draw, then so be it. And if a child does not want to – it problem, if adapted to the difficulties of life, as someone who is easy, right? This approach is convenient because parents who choose it, it is easy to comfort themselves – parental duty performed, the child "in case" And if think about the consequences of such "education"? In the best case – the loss of a child propensity to exercise self-initiative and independence in the choice of hobbies. More information is housed here: Amit Paley. In the worst case, the technique of "like everyone else" child can "break" to get to choose a profession to which he has no natural inclination to "landfill into the ground" natural talent. The main difference methods of early child development, based on individual approach to the child, is the increased attention to its natural characteristics and tendencies. Most often, the kid himself – directly or indirectly – is prone to a certain type of activity.

Attentive parents and experienced teachers in kindergarten will notice this and help your child realize their potential. By the way, attention during the development of the child must be constantly cultivate observation that, in the event of a change priorities of the baby does not continue to move in a certain direction "due to inertia. For example, if your child loves "kalyakat" colored pencils – is a weighty reason to take him to the children's creative studio. But if a year he became more interesting to sing or dance or sing – that's no reason to tell him: "You're walking into an art school, enough with you." The child is constantly in search of himself, and your goal – not to put a tick in the box "Visiting clubs, and help him to fulfill your potential, is not it?