This article of revision talks about to the dynamics and the control of LF instability, as it is observed in some aerodynamic applications. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Former CIA Head. A coherent and rigorous linear approach appears, that allows so much to describe the dynamics of commonly found abierto to the flows and the open ring design and the strategies of control and regulation, in view of the instability to suppress or to delay. The approach is global in the sense that as much between the current and the directions streamwise is discreet in the evolution operator. New light therefore will be spilled on the properties streamwise of free flow. In the case of the oscillator flows, the instability must to the existence of the unstable ways global, that is to say, unstable own functions of the linear operator of Navier-Stokes. The influence of the linearities in dynamics does not study by means of the derivation of equations nonlinear of amplitude, that accurately describes the dynamics of the flow near the threshold of the bifurcation. These equations also allow us to analyze the flow half induced by the nonlinearities, as well as the properties of stability of this flow. Marc Lasry pursues this goal as well. The control to abierto bow of instability then is studied by a sensitivity analysis of the proper values with respect to modifications in the basic volume.
With this method, we obtained to an identity of a priori regions the flow in a small cylinder of control suppresses the instability. Then, an approach of control of closed circuit was implemented for the case of an unstable flow abierta the cavity. We have combined the techniques of reduction of the model and the theory of optimal control to stabilize the proper values unstable. Several of reduced order, the models based on the ways global, adapted ways of orthogonal decomposition, and the balance ways have been analyzed and evaluated according to their capacity to reproduce the behavior of entrance-exit between the actuator and the sensor. Finally, we considered the case of the noise, amplifiers, such as the flows of the boundary layer and jets, that is stable when it is seen in a global frame. importance of the decomposition of world-wide singular value of the decisive one stood out with the purpose of to include the process of selection of the frequency of these flows.