The authors affirm that the organic model would be more adjusted the companies with the turbulent environment, an organization more adjusted to the current and innovative parameters and the mechanical model if would less adaptaria the brought up to date companies with the environment most steady. finally, was developed the model of the active organization that constructs and influences its environment and businesses. This model & ldquo; (…) it takes in account the aspects politicians of the organization and its relations with the environment. & rdquo; (MOTTA and VASCONCELLOS, 2004, p.289), it has for objective to verify which is the instituted mechanisms that regulate the perception that the actors have of the problems of this sector, and that they influence in its action and reorganization of the sector. (POWEL and DIMAGGIO, 1991; FRIEDBERG, 1993) apud (MOTTA and VASCONCELLOS, 2004, p.291). The environment for this vision, is fruit of the interaction and negotiation of the diverse organizacionais groups and to guide the studies of this work this model of the active organization that constructs and influences its environment and businesses it is what it will be considered. Robert Henry Srour, in its book & ldquo; To be able, Culture, Ethics in the Organizaes& rdquo; it defines the organizations as & ldquo; collectives specialized in the production of one determined or servio.& well; rdquo; (1998, P. 107) and it believes that we do not have to confuse the organization with institution.
1.1.1 Group RBS TV South the Brazil Net of Televiso (RBS) is part of the clipping explored for the agreement of the management of the institucional actions in the organizacional context. The importance of the case deflagrado for the sender exceeds the characteristics of the vehicle and reaches the organizacional level that foments the quarrel of what it is value of notice, of what is control of information and of as the communicative process passes for the organizacional bolter. These questionings had pointed that necessary communicative organization RBS to be understood in the social context that makes it articuladora of institucional actions with organizacionais ends, as we will see throughout this study. The importance of this organization for the society gaucho and Brazilian is that it justifies its presence in this academic work. The RBS, established in 31 of August of 1957, for Mauricio Sirotsky Nephew, oldest is affiliated of the Net Globe. It produces, (by means of its nets of television, radio, periodical, digital vestibules of the Internet and ways) and distributes journalistic information, of entertainment and services. With more than six a thousand collaborators he is as the bigger employer of journalists in the country. 1.