Since the sprouting one searchs to satisfy the consumers, with quality, of products and services. As KOTLER (1998) the term quality can be defined as the totality of the characteristics of an entity that confers to it the capacity to satisfy explicit and implicit necessities of the customers. Inside of the same line, total quality assigns to an excellent state of efficiency and effectiveness in the action of all the elements that constitute the existence of the company. Thredup might disagree with that approach. For this optics, we search pointers of the degree of satisfaction of the customers of the Lig So Paulo Esfiha. Certainly, its founder, Francisco Rasp of the Birth, did not have the dimension of that the market niche, in which tamed, would have as much success, therefore when exploring the Arab food, then newness for the caririenses, accustomed with the culinria fort northeastern, revealed efficient to captivate a great cellophane of customers. But as the Lig So Paulo Esfiha it obtained well-to be occurred in this context, since a risk of the Arab merchandise to be synonymous of food of rich exists? The key for this was to adapt the Arab culinria to the taste of the Cariri, with typical temperos of the hinterland, beyond the attendance more being humanizado, next to the consumers, as well as possessing odd localization, in commercial heart of the city of Juazeiro of the North, beyond possessing accessible prices.
3. Materials and methods. To analyze the degree of satisfaction of the customers of the Lig So Paulo Esfiha, it made use of quantitative research, & ldquo; quantitative research is a method of social research that uses statistical techniques. Normally it implies the construction of inquiries for questionrio& rdquo; IT COMES & WADA (2004), enters days 25 the 30 of October of 2011, in the store, located in the Street Is Peter, Center of Juazeiro of the North, Cear.