Who appreciates the literary sort and cinematographic the fiction-scientific one certainly it remembers some referring narrative to the parallel universes. It occurs that, depending on the eventual results gotten in the fields of the comment and the experimentation, the coexistence of many universes can leave of being ' ' fico' ' to become ' purely; ' cientfica' '. The Theory of the Parallel Universes was presented to the world, for the first time, as academic thesis in middle of the decade of 1950. In virtue of its eccentricity, it finished for being ridicularizada in the subsequent decades, until, recently, its beddings had passed to be studied empirically: scientists had observed that substance microparticles, when observed, the known and possible states tended to modify its structure physical for all. Such constatao opened the doors for the acceptance of the initial academic hypothesis.
If substance microparticles if convert into all the physical states known and possible, great structures of substance, without and with life – including the being-human beings – make also it, unfolding itself in innumerable versions. This means that, since the beginning of the call ' ' multiverso' ' , with the explosion of the big-bang, everything what it can happen, in accordance with the laws of the physics, effectively occurs, and not only one of the possibilities. Thus, to each minimum unit of time we would have the creation of millions of ' ' bubbles of realities alternativas' ' , that they are the parallel universes (the famous Theory of the Bubbles, that coexist inside of the multiverse). Our universe, therefore, would be only one of these bubbles. In such a way, for example, it would have parallel universes where our galaxy was not formed; others where only our solar system did not arrive to exist; some where it consisted, but the life in the Land did not prosper because the precursory microorganisms had died; several where the Man of Neandertal was extinct for climatic catastrophes, and, therefore, the Homo Sapiens-Sapiens did not arrive to exist; one handful in which Gnghis Khan, when enslaved of infancy, it died of exhaustion; groups where Germany won World War II, or in which that the plans to knock down the Twin Towers previously had been aborted, and, consequently, it did not have the current War of Iraq; another one where you, who already passed for a situation where it was between the life and the death, effectively died, in way that you are your proper surviving version; e, also some where the proper theory argued here already was proven.