Sale Online

What is f-commerce? E-commerce to Facebook traverse, the greater social network of the world. A new term that the marketing departments must add to their list of tasks of the 2011. Facebook fights for being except a social network, and plus a platform of e-commerce. And it is that it has changed much from the beginnings of Facebook in which was not known well which was going to be its channel of business: first it began with " Facebook Ads" , it followed with the social games and " facebook credits" (from that Facebook obtains a 30% of the benefits), and now f-commerce. The applications are many that are being developed to turn the company pages into stores online in which the user does not have to leave the social network to make the purchase. The benefits of e-commerce concentrate in the viralidad and the experience of users: social integration of the sales, recommendations, traffic, contextualisation and viralidad of products are the majors advantages.

And the secret of the success happens through the usabilidad of the applications that are used, in this case the opportunity of creating a user experience is enormous and it is not necessary to fail to take advantage of it; and in the integration of f-commerce in the strategy of marketing online and e-commerce of the mark, since still a change in the mentality of the majority of people must take place. At the moment already the marks are several that have proven luck in the world of e-commerce through Facebook:Disney sells entrances, the line area Delta created an own application of ticket sale, and now it is Asos the one that is going away to send to sell in Facebook at the end of this month. Still results cannot be advanced, but what it is clear that f-commerce is one of the tendencies of marketing in Internet for the 2011. Original author and source of the article.