SUMMARY the present study aims at, through a descriptive etnobotnica perspective, to make a survey of the used vegetal species in therapeutical uses for the community of Helvcia, city of New Viosa, located in the south extremity of the Bahia. The research reached four mateiros, that, answering to a questionnaire, had as main metodolgica technique that allowed systematic comments were made. The botanical material was identified in the Herbrio of the State University of Santa Cruz (HUESC). To all, they had been catalogued and raised 61 species, distributed in 52 sorts and 33 botanical families. Lamiaceae and Asteraceae had been the families most representative, followed of Fabaceae and Verbenaceae, Leves, branches and roots had been the used vegetal parts more in the preparation of local medicines and in relation to the form of preparation of the plants, it was observed predominance of the teas. This study is finished emphasizing that the knowledge on plants is important, therefore can contribute for increase of the diversity of species in a place. Word-key: medicinal etnobotnica, community quilombola, plants.