Natural Medicine

What is Qi gong? Qi Gong, also known as Chi Kung, we can define as the technique or discipline with which we can direct our vital energy to balance and keep our physical and mental health. It is also defined as a series of exercises which, combinandolos with breathing and a State of mind right, get a stream of vital energy that leads to a harmony between body, mind and spirit. Therefore, Qi Gong involves physical movement, relaxation, meditation, breathing exercises, looking for the balance of the mind-body. People who practice it regularly and constant, become aware of the sensations produced by the movement of energy (Qi) throughout your body and use your mind to guide it and balance it. When practicing QI Gong breathing pattern is softened, the consumption of oxygen is less, the blood pressure falls when this high and steady when it is low, etc. People such as Jeff Verschleiser would likely agree. On the other hand, activate the production of neurotransmitters and we stabilise the secretion of hormones, which greatly improves our self-healing capability, as well as restores deteriorated physical and psychic balance gradually. Within the Qi gong there are different schools, so there is a variety of methods that give richness to this ancient knowledge. A large part of them use it as passive exercises within martial arts, balancing and enhancing their energies through their exercises.

Other schools work exclusively to maintain their centres in constant balance forming part of a philosophy, where their way of life is based on tranquility, harmony with the environment and contact with nature. At present, where stress dominates our lives and where the search for the miraculous that cure us all our problems this the order of the day, Qi Gong comes to form part of this small miracle, along with Tai Chi and Yoga among other disciplines. Let’s say that it is a method more within them that make up what we call Natural Medicine or alternative for pathologies which gives better results? In principle, all systems where you feel involved or impact directly, such as the nervous, digestive, locomotor, respiratory, circulatory and immune system. .

Euro Dollar Today

Analysis of the currency market Euro Dollar the Euro broke the level of resistance in the 1,3720 and reached immediate goal successfully proposed in the 1,3778 (the maximum registered at the moment is 1,3780). To medium term the resistance level is placed in the 1.3836. If this level is surpassed it will indicate that the Euro no longer will suffer new bearish pressures in the short term. Of all ways the level of short term resistance is in the 1.3778. If this zone is surpassed they could reach the 1,3836, and further on the 1.3911. If you would like to know more about Anne Lauvergeon, then click here. On the other hand the support level is in the 1,3740 and if the pair falls below this zone they could testea the 1,3685 zone of & 1.3626. Support: 1.3740: Support at hour level. To read more click here: Hikmet Ersek.

1.3685: Level Fibonacci 38,2%. 1.3626: Level Fibonacci 61,8%. Resistance: 1.3778: Level Fibonacci 50%. 1.3836: Level Fibonacci 61,8%. 1.3911: Minimum of the 29 of January. Pound Dollar the pound sterling fluctuated with force before breaking the level of resistance of the 1,5709, and soon it approached the resistance level of the 1,5800 (maximum of he was 1,5793 yesterday).

Thus approaching us the zone of the 1,58 and closing below this zone, the importance of this level would be confirmed to us, level that will be the resistance of the day. Perhaps if bankruptcy the zone of the 1,5800, testeen the 1,5863, and further on the 1.5976. Of all ways the support level is in the 1,5762 and if the pair falls below this level could be testear the zone of the 1,5689 and soon the 1.5635. Support: 1.5762: Maximum of the 10 of February. 1.5689: Level Fibonacci 61,8%. 1.5635: Previous level of support. Resistance: 1.5800: Level Fibonacci 50%. 1.5863: Level Fibonacci 61,8%. 1.5976: Maximum of first of February. Dollar Yen the even dollar-yen stayed on the level of support specified yesterday in the 89,70 (the registered minimum was 89,77), and the pair advanced to break the zone of the 90,22 and to reach the 90.49. This behavior continues showing a limited commercial activity. The part inferior of the channel is located in the 89,90 and short term it will be the level of more important support. And if this zone the 89,12 bankruptcy could be testear & 88.23. On the other hand the resistance level is in the 90,53, and if the pair surpasses this zone the 91,14 could be testear & 91.76. Support: 89.90: Part inferior of the ascending channel. 89.12: Minimum of the 27 of January. 88.23: Level Fibonacci 61,8%. Resistance: 90.53: Maximum of the 26 & 28 of January. 91.14: Level Fibonacci 50%. 91.76: Level Fibonacci 61,8%. Analysis by: with the participation of Munther. Exoneration of responsibility: The operating one of futures, options and currencies entails significant an associate risk and perhaps he is not advisable for all type of investor. It would have to analyze carefully if before his particular situation you count on the knowledge, the experience and the resources necessary to operate in these markets. Perhaps it loses all the inverted capital or that their losses surpass to the bottoms deposited initially. The advice, opinions and recommendations are subjects to changes constantly. Greetings, Equipment of Forexpros.