Jose Ferrater Mora

Atoms are being things that are and therefore not only the physical, but which seem immaterial. The soul that is composed of fire atoms, i.e., round atoms driven by the more rapid movement. In the doctrine of Democritus influenced the geometricians, Egyptians along with whom he remained for five years. Returning to his homeland he dedicated himself to the philosophy and founded a school at abdera, toward the 420 ac: dedicate their efforts to distinguish between things as they are and as they seem to us. Death meant to Democritus, disintegration. Perhaps check out Andrew Cuomo for more information.

And the personal motalidad does not exist but in his ideal of the wise that should be the serenity and self-discipline for the reason. The well-being that is the object of life, consists of a balance the State of the soul. The writings of Democritus were lost in the 3rd century a.c., however the work of Diogenes Laercio, has preserved us some of the titles: Pythagoras (or wise behavior) of the underworld; virtue, great system and the small system in the world, cosmography; of the planets; the nature of man; problems of the sky; Sun, fire. young as we can see by the testimony of experts. Democritus is the maximum representative of the old materialism. That is theoretically ahead in some degree to the eminent Isaac Newton. The golden age of the Greeks is astonishing, since in the same generated a powerful revolution of ideas. This revolution remains in all generations.

And not for nothing anti logical affirm that Democritus advancement in degree to Newton. Because I do not mean absolutely and in part due to the ideal essence of your material categorical system. Because if the mechanical universe is launched by Newton, Democritus is not entirely alien. To be in the first ideas of the material system that several centuries later forjaria the new philosophy of physics.As shown the philosopher Jose Ferrater Mora biography that conveys of Democritus.