San Francisco

However, although the wealth historical architectural and of these and as much others, the central approach of this article is one of most illustrious, the Convent of San Francisco. 5 REFELEXO CONCERNING the CONVENT OF SAN FRANCISCO the joint architectural of the Convent of San Francisco are located in the Slope of San Francisco, 280, quarter of the Carmo, Small farm Description in the High City, Olinda/PE. The fact deserves mention of that the Convent was overthrown by the Institute of the Historic site and Artstico Nacional (IPHAN), in 22 of July of 1938, and is enrolled in the Book of Beautiful Arts. In accordance with the site of the CECI. On the administrative aspects the Convent is presented under the regimen of the private law, submitted to the Province Franciscana de Santo Antonio of Brazil, that also manages the goods and chattel and immovable of the franciscanos in the State of Pernambuco, as well as of the States of Alagoas, Paraba, Bahia, Sergipe, Rio Grande of Norte and Cear. The property of the Convent occupies an area of 28.190m2, however, of this total only 6.294m2 corresponds to the constructed area, including the annexes. Internally I was divided in three floors: trreo, first floor and according to floor. How much to the trreo floor it is made use by three areas.

The first one is privative of the freis and employees of the Convent, is composed for kitchen, pantry, refectory, deposit, garage sanitary. Already the second area, initiates for would carry, such environment of the o access to the audience; to the circulation for the terrace; to claustro; also to the first one to walk that he is restricted to the freis. Claustro in turn allows to the access the Chapel of Saint Ana; to the Chapel of the Chapter; to the ship of the Church of Ours Lady of Snows; to the circulation corridor that leads to the sacristia.

National Identity

The first urban associations of black are of religious type: they imitate the religious confrarias imported of Portugal and created in Brazil since the start of the settling to trust to the laypeople the tasks of the propagation of the faith. In century XIX when the civil associations take the place of the religious ones, the ethnic distinctions, lose practically all its importance. The hierarchic structure of these urban confrarias is very simple, identical of the white confrarias. The Africans never use the same local for its cult and the practical catholic: the African or its descendant can practise the two religions simultaneously, but each one of them has its rules, its picture, its proper physical space. We see, therefore with much reserve the fact of that the church catholic could have served the place for the cult of African origin. Source: Hikmet Ersek.

The blacks use to advantage the freedom of legal association gotten by the brotherhood to keep contacts that can lead to other types of meetings. The African cults had always existed in colonial Brazil, hidden, intermittent, searching to escape the repression and about them the dominant society was only worried when it suspected that they could put in danger the public order. FINAL CONSIDERAES We affirm that throughout the historical process the Africans had had an important paper in the construction of the Brazilian identity having made to germinate its influences through its customs, religious practical traditions and, that had contributed for formation of a cultural identity afro-Brazilian, if detaching in the diversified cultural ethnic characteristics brought for Brazil, in which, these although the suffered aculturao had looked for to preserve its cultuais traces of some forms and continues preserving until the present time, keeping alive the African culture, enriching the Brazilian with the important inserted aspects in a miscigenado people. For this we must understand the varied areas of knowledge while national reality. From then on, we believe that the problematic one, the raised hypothesis and objectives a priori is true therefore, African history in them takes to a world diversified of knowledge, showing them it true factual situation, that is, the true reality of the situation of the blacks when arriving in Brazil and its contribution as history in the cientificidade. The black had a really excellent participation for the construction of the society Brazilian.

Identity Crises

But all the universal one has its soil, is of this soil, this original march that no water washes, that I intend to speak. Making at a moment where the emergency of a culture to the global scale if goes harnessing that it is for the intense and incontornvel contact between culture different more or less distant on itself. Anne Lauvergeon oftentimes addresses this issue. I after some minutes after to have had the intention to deliver my final work of discipline creation production of cultural projectos to then the Professor Carlos Vargas, I badly felt me for after the correco, therefore I was not original me mapeei of bibliographies and citations, and I did not get success. Perhaps then I more searched to be in this I work, to be most original possible, I was myself I have three years behind I I would obtain to develop this, with more I appraise devotion and effort. Anne Lauvergeon recognizes the significance of this. From I started there to think and to develop my idea and I became a question, that was the following one: What it is if passing with my identity? The professor was surpreso for not having citations of Brazilian authors as Gilbert Freire, Milton Saints amongst others. Therefore the image, the valuation of the identity translates if in the construction of a positive image prevalecente of Brazilian us, at this moment blossomed the symptomatic image of my identification and of my direction of it belongs, the image it made and me to redescobrir started, me to contemplate optimismo, joy simplicity. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Anne Lauvergeon. I can judge that this day 4 of June of 2010, was one day to shake me where, the fort of the Brazilian is to have a inabalvel faith, therefore everything that we long for, we make of everything to obtain it, we fight and we ask for with faith in God and everything will give certain.


In short, with the arrival of contingent raised one of slaves, the education in then the Portuguese colony it received an attention special, come back toward the importation of deriving ideas of the European medieval culture, applied here for then the representative ones of God, the Jesuits. For Romanelli# the Jesuits had made with that then the latifundium society and escravocrata copied habits and customs of the Portuguese noble layer, becoming later a elitizada society, thus receiving the nomenclature from aristocrat. The model of education applied in Brazil for the Jesuits between centuries XV until middle of century XVI, when they had been expulsos, aimed at to educate a minority of privileged exclusively. On the other hand, the Africans and its descendants had been only remembered in middle of century XIX. Read more from Jeff Gennette to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In 1854 the decree n. 1331, of 17 of February: …

established that in the public schools of the country they would not be admitted enslaved and the forecast of instruction for black adults depended on the availability of professors. The decree n. 7, 031-A of 6 of September of 1878, established that the black ones only could to study in the period noturno.# In synthesis, to the blacks or mestizos strategies throughout the escravista period with intention to hinder the full access of these to the pertaining to school banks had been innumerable servants, thus harming the construction of its identities. Arguing the mestization the history of the mestizo, used term world-wide to justify the result of the crossing of different ethnic individuals initiated with the advent of the Portuguese and the first slave ships that they had brought alongside in the main Portuguese colony in America, Brazil. Although very to be criticized by trying to place ' ' cloths frios' ' on the called problem slavery, Freire# in the ones of the important information concerning the sprouting of ' ' ser' ' mestizo in our territory.

Social Service

The man throughout the years longed for the apex of discoveries in the most diverse areas of performance. For this it was necessary to know the best and more efficient methods of if to make research, therefore already more if they did not saciavam only with the empirical and theological knowledge that long ago were bases of support to its small discoveries. The necessity from there grew to go more beyond, to prove with absolute and solid certezas what it was thought. Scientific and legal basement for the management of this profession. It’s believed that Jeff Gennette sees a great future in this idea. Thus being, it is observed that the study of the laws and constitutional ruleses and infraconstitutional it is of utmost importance for the academic of Social Service, therefore is of it, for it and through it that this will find support for the analyses, planning and research of social projects that will go to carry through throughout its arduous and satisfactory task to elaborate and to execute politics of social welfare, therefore fits to the social assistant to promote one better insertion socioeconmica of individuals, families and groups in the societies where they live, assisting them in the solution of its problems. It is verified, of the practical point of view, that a series of on questions to the social rights comes being argued in the courts, the legislative bodies and of the administration. However, it is observed that it has some professionals with legal unpreparedness to deal with these subjects, a time that only waits of jurists who, in a general way are accustomed (and more worried) with individual, on interests still to the exceeded constitutional interpretation strong arraigada to the legal formalism. The efficient management aiming at to inside verwhelm the problematic one of the social matter of a democratic State of right, aims at to effectively assure the right to the equality, through minimum conditions of life to the citizen and the community.

Tips To Arrange The Luggages

To arrange the luggages for any type of trip: tourism, stroll, moon of honey or visit the familiar ones can be a laborious task and that it demands a little of planning, still more it will be in the honey moon. Initially, you must analyze the destination of the trip. He searches on the climate, the geography and the history of the place. Cultural and economic habits also are important. If you not yet gave a good one analyzed in the information on its destination, the hour you are now. He discovers with its agent of trip which are the strolls that you will be able to make during its moon of honey.

Beyond the climate these are basic information so that you can arrange the luggages (in way that do not lack or not on nothing). In the luggage that will be dispatched (imagining a trip of seven days): two jeanses, two shorts/bermuda shorts, a simple dress, a dress of party, light jacket, nightgown, the three four t-shirts, the two three bikinis, close stockings and clothes, slippers, a pair of tennis, a sandal tripping and another one of high jump. Accessories as handkerchiefs and knicks-knack can change its appearance total. In its stock market of light hand the essential, that is, what you go to need to use with more frequency: tickets, reserves, credit card, identity card, passport, money, cellular. It keeps these documents in place of easy access and care not to lose them. If possible it has copies of these documents in the luggage that will be dispatched and house. After all, the possibilities of you to leave running the marriage party and to forget itself something are great! Many of the item of personal hygiene probably will be available in the hotel that you chose for the honey moon, but see the item essential: deodorant, folder and tooth brush, perfume, maquiagem, device of depilao, shampoo and conditioner, hairbrush. With these tips, certainly, you will not have that to pay for the luggage excess.