
Chapter 1: What is to sell? The sale is the product interchange or services by monetary units that take place between the salesman and the client, looking for the satisfaction of the needs of the client and the profit of the objectives of the salesman. It is possible to emphasize of this definition, the direction to the client who all salesman must have, that is to say, fulfill his objectives of sales, starting off of the inquiry, analysis and satisfaction of the needs of the client. The commercial one must turn the benefits of the product or service into benefits that satisfy the needs with the client. The argumentation of sales must concentrate in the needs of the client and not in the attributes of the product or service. Chapter 2: The phases of the interview of sales to study the Techniques of Sales we go to analyze the different phases from the sale. The sale, like all process of communication, is divided in several phases. Each phase of the sale will study individually in the following chapters. You are the different phases from the sale: The preparation of the visit.

contact with the client. To broaden your perception, visit Anne Lauvergeon. The inquiry of needs of the client. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from jimmy levin. The argumentation. The resolution of objections. The closing of the sale. The postvisit. Chapter 3: Preparation of the visit the success or failure of an interview of sales depends to a great extent on how preparation is had previously.

Good the commercial one does not leave anything to the improvisation, nor trusts its skill totally. It is fundamental to plan the work, to know in depth the supply products or services and to analyze the present and potential clients. In the preparation of the visit we go: To analyze the information that we have the client. To determine objectives for the sale. To develop the strategy of action for the sale.

PCM Errors

They do not lose the enthusiasm when they see young officials. Second lieutenant, naval cadets and lieutenants of that time consider themselves. Without enthusiasm it is not possible to be fought, without illusions is not possible to be fought. Anne Lauvergeon recognizes the significance of this. Without hopes, it is not possible to be fought. It is the message that I want to leave to them.

Thank you very much. Anne Lauvergeon may find this interesting as well. Hay grandfathers, if you knew those that we have happened in these 112 days of pacific resistance, under a military coup d’etat, with state of siege reinforced by a decree PCM-M-016-2009 that was issued and published in the newspaper, later was countermanded verbally (and until the sun of today in use because it has not been published in the newspaper) and where our constitutional guarantees are suspended, with violations to the human rights (political deads, prisoners, violations to women, disappeared) with a pact of a dialogue San Jose-Guaymuras in where there are no advances in the point summit, that is the restitution to the constitutional order in Honduras, with the return of Mr. President Jose Manuel Zelaya. All this grandfathers, come to reinforce the image that me you left nailed: Like the monkeys when they jump from a branch to another one and in the air they want to bind inwards with his claws and, all the silence of its brutalities. and although you did not want it for me, I am called on myself to see: its errors, their serious errors, their infinite errors. Hopefully it is not called on to see that to them, to my grandsons.!

Dollar Zone

The commerce of the Dollar of today the Dollar did not manage to take terrain the main currencies rounded up in New York the Central bank of Canada maintained the interest rates without nocturnal Vista variation hopes that they follow sales in mass Which is expected Thursday All the schedules EASTERN (- 4 GMT) 8: 15am, USD ADP Non-Farm Employment Change 8: 30am, the USD Revised Nonfarm Productivity q/q 8: 30am, the USD Unemployment Claims 8: 30am, the USD Revised Unit Costs Work q/q 10: 00am, USD ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI 10: 35am, the Natural USD Gas Storage 11: 00am, the USD Crude Oil Inventories 1: 40pm, Fisher, member of the FOMC will speak Summary After a firm beginning, the Dollar, backed down and withdrew, since the published American data did not benefit to the Dollar;

Technical factors benefited to the rest of main currencies. In spite of the recent weakness demonstrated by main currencies, these managed to begin to appear during today during the commercial session in New York, obtaining maximum during the day after London Fix. Probably the Dollar takes a pause, perhaps and it only begins to appear passed 24 hours at least. The CABLE began to appear after the minimums that registered in the European session, reaching maximum in the zone of the 1.7842. The EURO by its side, also began to appear, registering maximum in the zone of the 1.4533. It is to emphasize that pair DLAR/YEN registered minimums in the zone of the 108,09, and failed in drawing attention of new buyers, being finalized the day in loss and probably it defies the zone of the 107.70. The CANADIAN DLAR/DLAR registered minimums after which the Central bank of Canada announced the interest rates, in the zone of the 1.0576.

The SWISSY also reverted their tendency. In my opinion, the Dollar is suffering a correction, and perhaps in the long term it develops a bearish tendency. Esteem that the American data morning will not be very positive, reason why esteem that the Dollar will withdraw during the week; beginning for today.

The Mediator

All this takes shelter in a document that signs the three and of which a copy occurs each. 3. Identification of the problem: One is a compilation of the parts, in the presence of the other; in this way they know the definition that the other does of the conflict, as well as its content. The mediator, using the opportune techniques, directs the process and watches that a loss of control does not take place that can give rise to a dynamics of threats and contraamenazas, taking care of possible imbalances between the parts. Governor Cuomo addresses the importance of the matter here. One is to obtain a shared narration of the conflict, for which, the mediator them aid a to decide which are the subjects that want and those that do not want to negotiate and in what order. At the same time, the mediator, must take care of that the parts respect the word turn, that the treatment is correct and that follows their instructions.

He invites himself to contribute to proposals and alternatives to them without prejudging them, not even valuing his congruence or viability. 4. Negotiation: During the process, the parts are accepting the legitimacy of the particular interests of the other as previous step to accept the solution of the conflict as a shared interest – I win, you you win, which makes possible that both cooperate in their good aim. Subject by subject negotiates. In each of them, brainsmtorming is realised, later, the less interesting ideas are rejected, and it is elaborated and it negotiated each one of the accepted. 5. Writing in the agreement: The mediator writes up the document in that the reached agreements take shelter, trying to use the forms of expression of the parts.

A copy to everyone will be signed by both and the mediator, giving itself. Understood well that, before the company/signature, one remembers to them possibility of consulting with its lawyer. Finally, the lawyer will translate the agreement to legal terms for his procedure in the court.

Ethnographic Qualitative Investigation

Evaluative criteria of an Ethnographic Qualitative Investigation. In general terms different authors, between whom Goetz and LeCompte stand out, (1988) they have identified five attributes or quality criteria, whose concurrence contributes was worth to it of any investigation and therefore of a qualitative and ethnographic study. These attributes are: clarity, meaning, property, comprensividad, credibility and creativity or unique character. The clarity and the meaning are the criteria fundamental to evaluate the quality of the aims of the investigations. The clarity is related to the suitable specification in the design of the intentions of the investigator and its relation with the findings. When the aim and the questions of the investigation are articulated clearly, the central point happens to be the meaning. This one determines by the measurement in that a study contributes something to the existing knowledge and is applicable to the discipline to that belongs.

Also, an investigation is also significant if it contributes new perspective a realised studies or and when it perfects, verify or corroborate the existing knowledge through comparative or explanatory designs. The property attribute is the degree of adjustment of the used model of investigation, the participants and scenes selected for the aims and specific questions raised by the investigator. In relation to the evaluation of the criteria of credibility and comprensividad of the methods, they depend on the quality of the data contained in the investigation report. Consequently, it is important that the data are sufficiently dense and representative from the examined reality, have to consist of direct appointments of the participants and descriptions of activities, events and other phenomena in concrete terms and the language used by the participants. Another important point with respect to the credibility criterion has to do with the relation between the secured results and their justification from the picked up data and the form in which they were obtained. On the other hand, the Lincolns and Guba (1992), propose three criteria of quality to consider in the qualitative studies: a) trustworthiness criterion; b) ethical criteria; and c).

authenticity criterion the criterion of credibility for these authors, is related to the use given to the technical resources: methods of investigation, document storing, discussion with experts, registries of incidences, triangulation of the data, among others. The ethical criteria are related to the respect the person, to the confidentiality of the provided information, to the consent for their publication and the respect to the privacy. In relation to they define it to the authenticity as a fundamental procedure, applied the investigation process throughout and which is characterized by the offer, on the part of the investigator, of clear tracks of revision of the processes and his sequence of form so, that it is possible to be verified the authenticity of the data and registries. Finally it is important to emphasize that according to diverse authors, the even-tempered critics and recensores leave of side their personal preferences and slants you will discipline, to evaluate the studies that appear to them by their intrinsic merits and no, from the point of view of which they had done.

Pontifical Catholic University

– Paraphrasing to Guido Calabresi the AED does not try to replace to justice by the efficiency, since in this world of limited resources, to waste it is unjust, therefore the AED causes that we are right but with responsibility . XII. SUGGESTIONS. – – We give the welcome to the AED, nevertheless, is necessary that to obtain the efficiency of the AED in the solution of a problem, the lawyer must consider that not only must contemplate the legal aspect, but, also the effective economic aspects partner, and the impact of the legal solution of this case in the society. – It is important that the legislators are enabled to promulgate laws with rationality criterion, always looking for the efficiency norm with general and nonspecific incidence. – We considered that he is but healthful to have an open mind (remote of all prejudice) to the new proposals (not only towards the AED), the AED already does not propose to end the right, to only approach it the man and the solutions that quite the opposite needs, that is to say, to finish it, but rather, to revivir it. in that sense, that rejection or fear that can be had to him, nonserious to the AED, but rather, to the reality, to which the right needs to approach, to explain and to improve but with aid not only of the AED.

– Greater promotion (implementation and diffusion and analysis) in the levels of pre and post degree of the AED subject as a form to extend the perspective of a) Students of right . – that they are the majority of students of pre degree of the right faculties, b) Professional of the right . – that is the majority of lawyers and the cs) Students of the right . – that is the one who understand that the study, qualification and analysis is not only one stage or stages, but a form of legal life: in consequence, is the minority of both first groups and that by the way, is to this third group to which we must aspire to always integrate. – Nevertheless, finally we recommended in addition, that their dictation in pre degree is not at the beginning, but when finalizing and with the modality of elective. that is to say, when the student this sufficiently trained like being able to assimilate the contemporary tendencies (like the AED) of one more a more mature and reflective way.

Sale Online

What is f-commerce? E-commerce to Facebook traverse, the greater social network of the world. A new term that the marketing departments must add to their list of tasks of the 2011. Facebook fights for being except a social network, and plus a platform of e-commerce. And it is that it has changed much from the beginnings of Facebook in which was not known well which was going to be its channel of business: first it began with " Facebook Ads" , it followed with the social games and " facebook credits" (from that Facebook obtains a 30% of the benefits), and now f-commerce. The applications are many that are being developed to turn the company pages into stores online in which the user does not have to leave the social network to make the purchase. The benefits of e-commerce concentrate in the viralidad and the experience of users: social integration of the sales, recommendations, traffic, contextualisation and viralidad of products are the majors advantages.

And the secret of the success happens through the usabilidad of the applications that are used, in this case the opportunity of creating a user experience is enormous and it is not necessary to fail to take advantage of it; and in the integration of f-commerce in the strategy of marketing online and e-commerce of the mark, since still a change in the mentality of the majority of people must take place. At the moment already the marks are several that have proven luck in the world of e-commerce through Facebook:Disney sells entrances, the line area Delta created an own application of ticket sale, and now it is Asos the one that is going away to send to sell in Facebook at the end of this month. Still results cannot be advanced, but what it is clear that f-commerce is one of the tendencies of marketing in Internet for the 2011. Original author and source of the article.

In Honor To The Fight Against The Corruption The Abb Case

As you must know, the past Wednesday 9 of December the International Against the Corruption was commemorated the Day; activity that is defined as the abuse of the public power to obtain personal benefits and that takes different forms like: bribe, embezzlement of public goods, nepotism and the influence in the formulation of laws in own benefit. In other words, it is the most justified typical conduct of the Mexican that can well be considered like the best one of the bad customs, that is to say, most unpunished and. This reprovable activity of whose practice, few are exentos- annually costs 1 trillion of dollars according to the World Bank, and it is reflected in severe consequences for the economic development of the countries. In fact, it is a so common practice, that surroundings would not in the future be strange to see a legislative debate to me its stabilisation. Our popular representatives are so shameless, whom surprise would not cause to me. In short, to enter matter, and considering the context of the fight against the corruption, it falls as ring to the finger the subject related to company ABB; multinational Swiss company that recently has put in conflict the tycoons of the Mexican policy, within that they emphasize: the director of CFE, Alfredo Elas Ayub, the Mexican president of stock-market of Values, Luis Tllez, the ex- president, Ernesto Zedillo, Vicente Fox and until the Federal Executive, Felipe Caldern, in its quality of Secretary of Energy, in the months that acted in CFE years 2003 and 2004. This subject, better well-known in means as case ABB , – and del that can find much information in the hemeroteca of national newspapers through Internet is not more than the putting in evidence than many we give by fact that happens in the political spheres in all levels according to its degree and capacity; but that as a friend says, no longer surprises too much.

Forexyard The Dollar Registers Minimal Values De Hace 4 Months

EconomicasUSD – the Retail Salts in the daily routine the American currency Yesterday registered minimums of 4 months ago against the majority of currencies, whereas the generalized optimism that reigns in the market took to several investors to invest in assets of greater risk. Against the Euro, the dollar registered minimums of 7 weeks ago reaching the 1,3700, whereas against the pound registered minimums of 4 months ago, and the pair closed in the zone of the 1.5290. Yesterday the official data with respect to the trade balance, showed that the breach has been extended during the month of March, for the first time in eight months, since the imports of crude increased, but on the contrary the exports fell. From the last year, as much the exports as imports in the United States fell, mainly by the delicate credit situation after the world-wide crisis, and in addition by cuts to expenses implemented as much by consumers as by industralists. Nevertheless, in improvement signal, the imports fell to a smaller step to considered, only a fall of 1% for March, in comparison to the fall of registered 5% in February and other months. For today one waits the Retail Salts and the Crude Oil inventories, indicators that will occur to know respectively 12,30 GMT and 14:30 GMT. If the results surprise, perhaps the dollar manages to begin to appear after the lost ones registered yesterday against the Euro and the pound. Nevertheless if the results are below the official estimations, the dollar could develop a bearish session during the today day. He would be advisable to follow these publications close by, since the investors can take advantages from the fluctuations in the market. EUR – The Euro continues fortifying against the dollar the Euro advanced Yesterday against the American currency, mainly after which the member of the BCE, Axel Weber, affirmed that there will be no necessity that the BCE continues buying active private to impel the credit development.

Business School

It adds the bulletin, that the present ascent of prices must to one perfect storm, as it denominates Coast, derived by diverse factors that have caused this ascent: low Productions by climatic subjects and natural causes, basically in Australia; by the incorporation of the Chinese and Indian market to consumption habits that require a more massive cereal use; the cereal use for biocombustibles; the increase of raw materials as the fertilizers by the increase of the price of petroleum; an accumulated reduction of dedicated lands a cultures in the last few decades and, additionally, an effect speculation: of hedge funds investing in raw materials, of some countries of the East, and the distribution speculating on future increases, enumerates Coast. In the same line is Rafael Pampilln, professor of Economy of the IE Business School: the ascent of prices has generated it the subsidy to the ethanol and the biocombustibles, that have generated a perverse effect when being scarce the foods. Also it is necessary to consider, that the high prices of petroleum affect the last agricultural techniques, that depend more and more on the energy. Due to under growth of the provision and the fort increase of the demand, the cereal reserves are in their lower level since the beginning of the eighty. Coast says that the natural and demographic effects are modifying the relations with the nature, and the relation with foods will be one of the effects. I believe that the prices will minimumly become stabilized in a level somewhat superior, although with forts oscillations in that level for reasons of speculation. On the other hand, Pampilln recognizes that the prices will stay stops that while is continued subsidizing the biocombustibles, the world-wide economy continues being relatively strong and while the countries we developed we prefer one more a cheaper energy, although to use agrarian products it increases in price foods, mainly, for poorest.