The education of the peoples of quilombos must pautar in the valuation of its customs and differences making possible the knowledge of the internal functioning, of the organization and leadership in its communities for the discovery of sustainable alternatives and its development. Being displayed, estimated of the education and science, they fulfill, therefore the cited one for Jung, (2003. P. 59), when affirming that science: ' ' It is the activity that the systematic acquisition of the knowledge considers on the biological nature, social and tecnolgica' ' That it comes to determine the condition to interdisciplinar of the study and the referring actions to the preservation of the environment. Requiring a conscientious school, that perceives and that it allows to the empoderamento of the population quilombola of its knowledge and its capacity of development with respect to the preservation of its space and customs. Perception in the school quilombola The descendants of quilombos had preserved in its seio the education and typical culture of the descendants of slaves; the exploration of the land by means of the farming, as it displays the magazine Jump for the future (2007, P. 10), ' ' Of the land and in the land if they develop vital activities, historical plantation and harvest, landmarks. They carry through the traditions in the soil of many years in luta' '.
However, one gives credit I appeal that it to the homogenization the culture and the indiscriminate consumption can threaten the preservation of the environment and essential characteristics for the affirmation of the identity and customs of quilombolas. The model of formal education adopted by Brazil left to approach aspects important of the culture of the black population, excluding them of the educational process. As it affirms Melo (2009, P. 02), ' ' The Brazilian State, historically, by means of some legal devices, produced a structure institucional that left to the edge of the formal process of escolarizao the population negra' '.