The Identity

A huge task, but thanks to the new solution no problem! From a technical standpoint, the syscovery savvy Suite forms an interface between different human resources systems, the user management system and deploying new applications. The identity-management tool who-is-who “of T-Systems provides all necessary master data including responsibilities quality assured via an interface. The user management system based on the syscovery savvy Suite verifies existing permissions for applications so that all applications to an identity can be queried. The possible orders arise from two tools as their approval processes. This should be forwarded future shared orders directly to the provisioning tool which initiates the technical implementation at the database level by means of standard connectors. The ER ence of the manufacturer with other large corporations were an important criterion in choosing the syscovery savvy suite. Syscovery savvy suite is a standard software that lets their agile development method and their modular design easily and cost-effectively to the adapt to needs of corporations. At T-systems have been integrated in addition to the core engine, the central structure and control module of the syscovery savvy suite, also the radio information service request management, Catalo-gue management and entitlement manage-ment.

Syscovery savvy suite offers additional modules that facilitate the processing of system and service management. Company profile syscovery syscovery partnership IT is a service provider, which made it to the task, kos-tensparend and user friendly to opti Mize company processes. While that offers group with excellent customer service and Support, as a comprehensive product and service offering. syscovery pursued a holistic approach and offers its customers comprehensive solutions for a wide variety of challenges of modern IT, represented in the 5 s ‘ seminar, software, solutions, services and supply. Since the syscovery group quickly expanded its activities. Today, syscovery operates in nationwide projects and has locations in Mannheim (headquarter), Frankfurt, Mainz, Berlin, Munich and Karlsruhe. syscovery qualified by reliable reliable adherence to deadlines and budgets, and corresponds to highest Qualitatsstan standards. With almost ten years of experience, it is specialist for Standardization, Automation control, and process optimization in complex IT environments. Official site: Hikmet Ersek. This is characterized by certified working methods according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and DIN EN ISO 14001:2004, ITIL and PMI from. Responsible is that used specially – directed project management office and an expert team of 130 experienced personnel, which creatively and flexibly each Challenge.