Real estate better rent rather than sell part of the young network Twitbed to be the new registration area offers. As a real estate owner, it profits from the comfortable Web site in layout and design, also by the permanent support through marketing and service. If so a room or apartment available, or even the entire real estate for sale offered empty, there are many reasons to choose a rental. The three following steps today make the Twitbed landlord: just sign up professionally represent successfully rent on the login page is located. “A short form filled out and click submit” clicked, already it is! Once all the details are verified, the profile will be unlocked. Own real estate is represented as holiday accommodation in the best light.
Vacationers can recommend the real estate or to the buyer. Twitbed partners enjoy a support creation of text with translations into other languages. Guests are better achieved, so to maximize rental successes. Many in the Twitbed team are themselves landlords. “Are individual supporter and help with General questions how my property is suitable?” or share their own experience in situations such as help! My first guest is coming!” Twitbed supports host since 2010, to strengthen their market positions in their respective cities, and presents private accommodation in professional environment. Newsletter, search engine optimization, social media marketing are used.