However, this is the best solution? This is the only inevitable solution? The State of the Tapajs would all understand the west and southwestern part of the current state of Par, with cities as Altamira, Itaituba, Trairo, Rurpolis and Santarm among others. The main developed economic activities in the west of Par (local of the State of the Tapajs, longed for some tapajnicos) are mainly familiar, cattle agriculture, mining and in small scale tourism. However, the advance in the cattle one is not an ambiently viable solution, therefore it will still more motivate the destruction of ecosystems of the region, in addition about 80% of the territory of the new state is formed by national parks, flonas and areas of preservation. It is also perceived that agriculture on a large scale is not viable, is one ' ' assassinato' ' to ecosystems of these areas. An example clearly of that to separate nor always is the best solution as the current state of the Tocantins, very does not say of its ' ' desenvolvimento' ' , today it is basically a state dormitory.
The problems of povoamento uncontrolled of the Amaznia can bring enormous consequncias it. It sees the construction of Brasilia, it is a migration example clearly and povoamento without planning, today several mazelas social observe themselves and many cities satellites. They are then the questions: if at the time from the gold, the city of Itaituba suffered with the strong migration where the population more than folded, with the creation of the new state how much will go to suffer? It is prepared for this? the identity of the people, its culture, which the effect in it? How much to the question of the representation politics, it can be observed that it is common the voters even to choose candidates of other cities and of the region metropolitan, forgetting itself them its local representatives. .