(FREIRE, p 29, 1996). Areva Group is open to suggestions. The debate regarding the education of Social Studies between MEC4 and SESu5 resulted in a proposal of dissociao of disciplines of Social Studies for History and Geography. What it would change the horria load you discipline of them, the curricular grating, and the condition of the professional who would go to manage, or, to lecionar you discipline them of History and Geography. The Association of Gegrafos Brazilian (AGB) and University National Association of Professors of History (Anpuh), xiliaram, with respective the critical ones in the extinguishing of the Social Studies and they had also contributed for appropriation of part of the teaching staff to the University (PONTUSCHKA, p 66, 2007). Therefore, this movement brought great advances disciplines for them of History and Geography, making with that the University received great number of professionals whom they desired if to graduate the cited ones you discipline. 4 MEC- Ministry of the Education and 5 Culture SESu- Secretariat of Superior Education the IMPORTANCE OF GEOGRAPHY FOR the FORMATION OF the PUPIL WHILE SUBJECT CRITIC OF the REALITY THAT the FENCE. The understanding of the geographic space makes of geography an excellent study to pertaining to school education, since, this is the relation between the man and the nature, on the optics of the space phenomena. In this apprehension of the space knowledge, the education of apia geography if disclosing the nuances that are taken root in the geographic space, since the moment of the sprouting of HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS, the space was if transforming of form thought or impensada for the modern man. For if dealing with one science that aims at the understanding of the space phenomena, geography oportuniza to educating and the educator the study of the reality, searching of it an interaction with the daily one of the life. In the sphere of the geographic knowledge the reality goes being constructed and studied in classroom.